[src/java/m/weppws] Revision: default  Date:
package m.weppws;

import java.util.List;
import csip.api.server.ServiceException;
import csip.SessionLogger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import util.Grid;
import util.WeppConstants;

 * Represents a WEPP impoundment.
public class Impoundment {

  int chanid;
  int weppID;
  int id;
  boolean inUse;
  boolean linked;

  String name;
  // position of impoundment relative to the channel:
  //   before-channel
  //   after-channel
  //   left-side
  //   right-side
  String position;
  Watershed par;
  Channel chan;  // channel this impoundment is linked to
  double discharge;
  double sedYield;
  Impoundment(int id, int chanid, String name, String position, Watershed par) throws ServiceException {
    this.chanid = chanid;  // this is the channel this impoundment connects to = name;
    weppID = id; = id;
    this.position = position;
    this.par = par;
    linked = false;
    chan = par.getChannel(chanid);
    if (chan == null) {
         throw new ServiceException("Impoundment refers to undefined channel: " +  chanid);

  String summarizeInput() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject so = new JSONObject();
    so.put("id", id);
    so.put("weppID", weppID);
    so.put("name", name);
    so.put("position", position);
    so.put("channel", chanid);
    return so.toString(2);

  String summarizeOutput(SessionLogger log) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject so = new JSONObject();
    so.put("id", id);
    so.put("weppID", weppID);
    so.put("name", name);
    so.put("position", position);
    so.put("channel", chanid);
    so.put("Runoff Volume (ft^3/yr)", Float.valueOf(String.format("%.0f", discharge)));
    so.put("Sediment Yield (ton/yr)", Float.valueOf(String.format("%.2f", sedYield)));
    return so.toString(2);
  String getName() {
      return name;
  String getLeftHillslope() {
   // this represents a TOPAZ split subcatchment, the left hillslope draining into this impoundment
   if (position.equals("left-side")) {
        if (chan.hillslope.leftsub != null) {
           return "H" +  String.valueOf(chan.hillslope.leftsub.weppAltID);

  String getRightHillslope() {
     // this represents a TOPAZ split subcatchment, the right hillslope draining into this impoundment
     if (position.equals("right-side")) {
        if (chan.hillslope.rightsub != null) {
           return "H" +  String.valueOf(chan.hillslope.rightsub.weppAltID);

  String getTopHillslope() {
    // this represents a TOPAZ split subcatchment, the top hillslope draining into this impoundment
    if (position.equals("before-channel")) {
        if (chan.hillslope.topsub != null) {
           return "H" +  String.valueOf(chan.hillslope.topsub.weppAltID);
  String getHillslope() {
    // this represents a TauDEM subcatchment which surrounds the channel on 2 (or 3) sides.
    // the entire subcatchment drains into this impoundment
    if (position.equals("left-side") || position.equals("right-side") || (position.equals("before-channel"))) {
       return "H" +  String.valueOf(chan.hillslope.weppid);
    return "0";
  String getLeftChannel() {
     // This represents the channel draining into this impoundment from the left
     if (position.equals("before-channel")) {
        Channel ch2 = chan.leftChannel;
        if (ch2 != null) {
           return "C" +  String.valueOf(ch2.weppID);
        } else {
     return "0";

  String getRightChannel() throws ServiceException {
     // This represents the channel draining into this impoundment from the right
     if (position.equals("before-channel")) {
        Channel ch2 = chan.rightChannel;
        if (ch2 != null) {
           return "C" +  String.valueOf(ch2.weppID);
        } else {
     return "0";

  String getTopChannel()  throws ServiceException {
     // This represents the channel draining into this impoundment from the top
     if (position.equals("before-channel")) {
        Channel ch2 = chan.topChannel;
        if (ch2 != null) {
           return "C" +  String.valueOf(ch2.weppID);
        } else {
     } else if (position.equals("after-channel")) {
         return "C" + String.valueOf(chan.weppID);
     return "0";
  String getLeftImpoundment() {
    // currently an impoundment does not connect with another impoundment
    return "0";  

  String getRightImpoundment() {
    // currently an impoundment does not connect with another impoundment
    return "0";

  String getTopImpoundment() {
    // currently an impoundment does not connect with another impoundment
    return "0";