report.txt [test] Revision: default  Date:

  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-1
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-2
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-3
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-4
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-5
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-6
  WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit C-7
  Rainfall File Summary
  Station    First        Last         Recording   Periods    Periods    Periods
  ID         Date         Date         Frequency  w/Precip    Missing    Malfunc.
  053005     03/05/1970   12/29/2006      60 min      8527          0          0

  NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are
  based on results found at every computational time step,  
  not just on results from each reporting time step.
  Analysis Options
  Flow Units ............... CFS
  Process Models:
    Rainfall/Runoff ........ YES
    RDII ................... NO
    Snowmelt ............... NO
    Groundwater ............ NO
    Flow Routing ........... YES
    Ponding Allowed ........ NO
    Water Quality .......... NO
  Infiltration Method ...... MODIFIED_HORTON
  Flow Routing Method ...... STEADY
  Starting Date ............ 01/01/1971 00:00:00
  Ending Date .............. 01/01/2006 00:00:00
  Antecedent Dry Days ...... 0.0
  Report Time Step ......... 00:00:00
  Wet Time Step ............ 00:05:00
  Dry Time Step ............ 01:00:00
  Routing Time Step ........ 30.00 sec
  **************************        Volume         Depth
  Runoff Quantity Continuity     acre-feet        inches
  **************************     ---------       -------
  Initial LID Storage ......         1.665         0.002
  Total Precipitation ......    383562.034       534.982
  Evaporation Loss .........     53358.069        74.422
  Infiltration Loss ........    252354.855       351.978
  Surface Runoff ...........     71527.480        99.765
  LID Drainage .............      4683.364         6.532
  Final Storage ............         1.783         0.002
  Continuity Error (%) .....         0.427
  **************************        Volume        Volume
  Flow Routing Continuity        acre-feet      10^6 gal
  **************************     ---------     ---------
  Dry Weather Inflow .......         0.000         0.000
  Wet Weather Inflow .......     76210.845     24834.443
  Groundwater Inflow .......         0.000         0.000
  RDII Inflow ..............         0.000         0.000
  External Inflow ..........         0.000         0.000
  External Outflow .........     76210.845     24834.443
  Flooding Loss ............         0.000         0.000
  Evaporation Loss .........         0.000         0.000
  Exfiltration Loss ........         0.000         0.000
  Initial Stored Volume ....         0.000         0.000
  Final Stored Volume ......         0.000         0.000
  Continuity Error (%) .....         0.000
  Highest Flow Instability Indexes
  All links are stable.
  Routing Time Step Summary
  Minimum Time Step           :    30.00 sec
  Average Time Step           :    30.00 sec
  Maximum Time Step           :    30.00 sec
  Percent in Steady State     :     0.00
  Average Iterations per Step :     1.00
  Percent Not Converging      :     0.00
  Subcatchment Runoff Summary
  ------------------------                      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                Total      Total      Total      Total      Total       Total     Peak    Runoff
                                                Precip      Runon       Evap      Infil     Runoff      Runoff   Runoff   Coeff
  Subcatchment                                  in         in         in         in         in          10^6 gal    CFS
  ------------------------                      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.79     476.29      41.22       16.34    32.74   0.077
  1-I                                            534.98       0.00     209.46       0.00     327.19       13.63     3.69   0.612
  2-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.67     475.94      41.71     1839.52  3654.24   0.078
  2-I                                            534.98       0.00     208.62       0.00     328.19     4373.84  1178.93   0.613
  3-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.65     475.87      41.79      138.82   275.35   0.078
  3-I                                            534.98       0.00     208.48       0.00     328.36      471.22   126.95   0.614
  4-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.68     475.96      41.68      470.91   935.95   0.078
  4-I                                            534.98       0.00     208.66       0.00     328.14     1114.77   300.53   0.613
  5-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.63     475.84      41.83     1566.17  3103.77   0.078
  5-I                                            534.98       0.00     208.40       0.00     328.45     5014.41  1350.51   0.614
  6-P                                            534.98       0.00      17.78     476.24      41.29     1030.24  2062.03   0.077
  6-I                                            534.98       0.00     209.33       0.00     327.34      854.93   231.04   0.612
  7-P                                            534.98       0.00      18.02     476.91      40.36     1953.68  3968.27   0.075
  7-I                                            534.98       0.00     210.97       0.00     325.44     2944.31   800.33   0.608
  |S|3|S|Rain_Garden-00                          534.98   15748.77    2932.67    2448.19   10919.76       20.42     8.02   0.671
  |S|3|S||T|Rain_Garden-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.48       0.00     328.36       29.45     7.93   0.614
  |S|4|S|Rain_Garden-00                          534.98   14193.28    2907.05    2317.22    9520.82       53.41    21.72   0.646
  |S|4|S||T|Rain_Garden-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.66       0.00     328.14       79.63    21.47   0.613
  |S|5|S|Rain_Garden-00                          534.98   13080.04    2887.65    2213.22    8530.74      218.03    91.17   0.627
  |S|5|S||T|Rain_Garden-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.40       0.00     328.45      334.29    90.03   0.614
  |S|6|S|Rain_Garden-00                          534.98   13994.65    2900.84    2295.27    9349.24       40.80    16.70   0.643
  |S|6|S||T|Rain_Garden-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     209.33       0.00     327.34       61.07    16.50   0.612
  |S|1|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    8571.93    2441.84    4328.59    2332.66        0.44     0.45   0.256
  |S|1|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     209.46       0.00     327.19        1.60     0.43   0.612
  |S|2|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7880.29    2412.93    4042.91    1959.46      155.37   173.95   0.233
  |S|2|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.62       0.00     328.19      624.83   168.42   0.613
  |S|3|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7940.38    2416.66    4068.85    1989.78       14.76    16.39   0.235
  |S|3|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.48       0.00     328.36       58.90    15.87   0.614
  |S|4|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7885.11    2412.98    4044.89    1962.27       39.63    44.34   0.233
  |S|4|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.66       0.00     328.14      159.25    42.93   0.613
  |S|5|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7886.49    2414.23    4046.02    1961.25      166.27   185.99   0.233
  |S|5|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     208.40       0.00     328.45      668.59   180.07   0.614
  |S|6|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7868.51    2408.64    4036.79    1958.03       30.39    34.09   0.233
  |S|6|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     209.33       0.00     327.34      122.13    33.01   0.612
  |S|7|S|Sand_Filter-00                          534.98    7818.74    2397.90    4013.11    1942.73      104.51   116.67   0.233
  |S|7|S||T|Sand_Filter-00|T|                    534.98       0.00     210.97       0.00     325.44      420.62   114.33   0.608
  |S|2|S|Permeable_Pavement-00                   534.98    1312.77     604.71       0.00    1242.94      295.80   106.65   0.673
  |S|2|S||T|Permeable_Pavement-00|T|             534.98       0.00     208.62       0.00     328.19      312.42    84.21   0.613
  |S|5|S|Permeable_Pavement-00                   534.98    1313.82     604.78       0.00    1243.94      316.51   114.13   0.673
  |S|5|S||T|Permeable_Pavement-00|T|             534.98       0.00     208.40       0.00     328.45      334.29    90.03   0.614
  |S|7|S|Permeable_Pavement-00                   534.98    1301.75     601.79       0.00    1234.84      199.50    71.46   0.672
  |S|7|S||T|Permeable_Pavement-00|T|             534.98       0.00     210.97       0.00     325.44      210.31    57.17   0.608
  |S|1|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     209.46       0.00     327.19        0.80     0.22   0.612
  |S|2|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    2159.08     442.77     404.72    1851.88      232.61    80.92   0.687
  |S|2|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     208.62       0.00     328.19      271.19    73.10   0.613
  |S|3|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    3305.93     458.05     486.35    2905.06       23.54     7.63   0.756
  |S|3|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     208.48       0.00     328.36       26.79     7.22   0.614
  |S|4|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    2128.36     442.20     402.40    1823.93       59.12    20.63   0.685
  |S|4|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     208.66       0.00     328.14       68.99    18.60   0.613
  |S|5|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    2098.16     441.60     400.11    1796.71      247.52    86.52   0.682
  |S|5|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     208.40       0.00     328.45      289.05    77.85   0.614
  |S|6|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    2184.54     443.44     406.64    1874.35       45.57    15.86   0.689
  |S|6|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     209.33       0.00     327.34       53.11    14.35   0.612
  |S|7|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00             534.98    2146.21     443.16     404.50    1837.59      156.36    54.94   0.685
  |S|7|S||T|Extended_Detention_Basin-00|T|       534.98       0.00     210.97       0.00     325.44      182.62    49.64   0.608
  |S|2|S|Wet_Pond-00                             534.98   26050.03     943.50       0.00   25720.57      609.26   168.42   0.967
  |S|2|S||T|Wet_Pond-00|T|                       534.98       0.00     208.62       0.00     328.19      617.06   166.32   0.613
  |S|4|S||T|Wet_Pond-00|T|                       534.98       0.00     208.66       0.00     328.14      159.25    42.93   0.613
  |S|6|S||T|Wet_Pond-00|T|                       534.98       0.00     209.33       0.00     327.34      122.13    33.01   0.612
  |S|7|S||T|Wet_Pond-00|T|                       534.98       0.00     210.97       0.00     325.44      420.62   114.33   0.608

  LID Performance Summary

                                         Total      Evap     Infil   Surface    Drain    Initial     Final  Continuity
                                        Inflow      Loss      Loss   Outflow   Outflow   Storage   Storage       Error
  Subcatchment      LID Control             in        in        in        in        in        in        in           %
  |S|3|S|Rain_Garden-00  Rain_Garden-00    16283.76   2932.75   2448.26   6944.61   3975.47      1.13      2.69       -0.12
  |S|4|S|Rain_Garden-00  Rain_Garden-00    14728.26   2907.13   2317.29   5834.60   3686.50      1.13      2.33       -0.13
  |S|5|S|Rain_Garden-00  Rain_Garden-00    13615.02   2887.75   2213.30   5050.43   3480.62      1.13      2.07       -0.13
  |S|6|S|Rain_Garden-00  Rain_Garden-00    14529.63   2900.98   2295.38   5698.17   3651.53      1.13      2.27       -0.12
  |S|1|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     9106.91   2442.98   4330.60   2333.74      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|2|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8415.27   2413.02   4043.06   1959.53      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|3|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8475.36   2416.78   4069.05   1989.88      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|4|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8420.09   2413.07   4045.03   1962.34      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|5|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8421.47   2414.32   4046.17   1961.32      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|6|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8403.50   2408.75   4036.97   1958.12      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|7|S|Sand_Filter-00  Sand_Filter-00     8353.72   2397.99   4013.27   1942.81      0.00      0.43      0.43       -0.00
  |S|2|S|Permeable_Pavement-00  Permeable_Pavement-00   1847.75    604.74      0.00    870.71    372.28      0.58      0.58        0.00
  |S|5|S|Permeable_Pavement-00  Permeable_Pavement-00   1848.80    604.81      0.00    871.60    372.38      0.58      0.58        0.00
  |S|7|S|Permeable_Pavement-00  Permeable_Pavement-00   1836.73    601.81      0.00    864.24    370.64      0.58      0.58        0.00
  |S|2|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   4842.46    443.44    789.23     63.03   3548.27      0.05      0.05       -0.03
  |S|3|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   7082.14    470.20    948.43    189.96   5475.15      0.05      0.05       -0.02
  |S|4|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   4782.28    442.27    784.72     60.93   3495.86      0.05      0.05       -0.03
  |S|5|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   4724.95    442.49    780.25     58.78   3444.93      0.05      0.05       -0.03
  |S|6|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   4887.88    441.25    792.97     65.06   3590.07      0.05      0.05       -0.03
  |S|7|S|Extended_Detention_Basin-00  Extended_Detention_Basin-00   4803.88    433.18    788.80     62.87   3520.57      0.05      0.05       -0.03
  |S|2|S|Wet_Pond-00  Wet_Pond-00       40297.85   1201.75      0.00  13513.74  25582.96      0.05      0.05       -0.00
  Node Depth Summary
                                 Average  Maximum  Maximum  Time of Max    Reported
                                   Depth    Depth      HGL   Occurrence   Max Depth
  Node                 Type         Feet     Feet     Feet  days hr:min        Feet
  0-1                  OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-3-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-4-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-5-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-6-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-1-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-2-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-3-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-4-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-5-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-6-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-7-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-2-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-5-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-7-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-1-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-2-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-3-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-4-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-5-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-6-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-7-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-2-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-4-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-6-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  O-7-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL      0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-1                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-2                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-3                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-4                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-5                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-6                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  J-7                  JUNCTION     0.00     0.00     0.00     0  00:00        0.00
  Node Inflow Summary
                                  Maximum  Maximum                  Lateral       Total        Flow
                                  Lateral    Total  Time of Max      Inflow      Inflow     Balance
                                   Inflow   Inflow   Occurrence      Volume      Volume       Error
  Node                 Type           CFS      CFS  days hr:min    10^6 gal    10^6 gal     Percent
  0-1                  OUTFALL       0.00 19255.49  9705  21:00           0   2.33e+004       0.000
  O-3-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL       0.08     0.08  1609  11:40        7.43        7.43       0.000
  O-4-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL       0.24     0.24  1609  12:10        20.7        20.7       0.000
  O-5-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL       1.07     1.07  1609  12:30          89          89       0.000
  O-6-Rain_Garden      OUTFALL       0.18     0.18  1609  12:14        15.9        15.9       0.000
  O-1-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-2-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-3-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-4-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-5-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-6-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-7-Sand_Filter      OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-2-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      43.11    43.11  3550  03:30        88.6        88.6       0.000
  O-5-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      46.09    46.09  3550  03:30        94.7        94.7       0.000
  O-7-Permeable_Pavement OUTFALL      29.35    29.35  3550  03:30        59.9        59.9       0.000
  O-1-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-2-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       2.70     2.70     1  08:01         229         229       0.000
  O-3-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       0.17     0.17     1  02:05        22.8        22.8       0.000
  O-4-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       0.70     0.70     1  08:01        58.1        58.1       0.000
  O-5-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       2.96     2.96     1  08:00         243         243       0.000
  O-6-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       0.52     0.52     1  08:00        44.8        44.8       0.000
  O-7-Extended_Detention_Basin OUTFALL       1.83     1.83     1  08:06         154         154       0.000
  O-2-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL       0.68     0.68     1  02:06         399         399       0.000
  O-4-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-6-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  O-7-Wet_Pond         OUTFALL       0.00     0.00     0  00:00           0           0       0.000 gal
  J-1                  JUNCTION     36.72    36.72  9705  21:00        30.4        30.4       0.000
  J-2                  JUNCTION   5297.11  5297.11  9705  21:00   6.79e+003   6.79e+003       0.000
  J-3                  JUNCTION    428.46   428.46  9705  21:00         639         639       0.000
  J-4                  JUNCTION   1308.66  1308.66  9705  21:00   1.66e+003   1.66e+003       0.000
  J-5                  JUNCTION   4861.98  4861.98  9705  21:00    7.1e+003    7.1e+003       0.000
  J-6                  JUNCTION   2348.58  2348.58  9705  21:00   1.94e+003   1.94e+003       0.000
  J-7                  JUNCTION   4973.99  4973.99  9705  21:00   5.14e+003   5.14e+003       0.000
  Node Flooding Summary
  No nodes were flooded.
  Outfall Loading Summary
                         Flow       Avg       Max       Total
                         Freq      Flow      Flow      Volume
  Outfall Node           Pcnt       CFS       CFS    10^6 gal
  0-1                    2.30    122.42  19255.49   23306.567
  O-3-Rain_Garden        2.35      0.04      0.08       7.434
  O-4-Rain_Garden        2.40      0.10      0.24      20.681
  O-5-Rain_Garden        2.38      0.45      1.07      88.953
  O-6-Rain_Garden        2.35      0.08      0.18      15.933
  O-1-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-2-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-3-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-4-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-5-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-6-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-7-Sand_Filter        0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-2-Permeable_Pavement  24.64      0.04     43.11      88.592
  O-5-Permeable_Pavement  24.92      0.05     46.09      94.746
  O-7-Permeable_Pavement  23.01      0.03     29.35      59.878
  O-1-Extended_Detention_Basin   0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-2-Extended_Detention_Basin   1.54      1.80      2.70     228.548
  O-3-Extended_Detention_Basin   2.04      0.13      0.17      22.752
  O-4-Extended_Detention_Basin   1.52      0.46      0.70      58.109
  O-5-Extended_Detention_Basin   1.51      1.95      2.96     243.365
  O-6-Extended_Detention_Basin   1.56      0.35      0.52      44.756
  O-7-Extended_Detention_Basin   1.57      1.18      1.83     153.614
  O-2-Wet_Pond          10.70      0.45      0.68     398.668
  O-4-Wet_Pond           0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-6-Wet_Pond           0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  O-7-Wet_Pond           0.00      0.00      0.00       0.000
  System                 4.03    129.55  19266.60   24832.598
  Link Flow Summary
                                 Maximum  Time of Max   Maximum    Max/    Max/
                                  |Flow|   Occurrence   |Veloc|    Full    Full
  Link                 Type          CFS  days hr:min    ft/sec    Flow   Depth
  C-1                  DUMMY       36.72  9705  21:00
  C-2                  DUMMY     5297.11  9705  21:00
  C-3                  DUMMY      428.46  9705  21:00
  C-4                  DUMMY     1308.66  9705  21:00
  C-5                  DUMMY     4861.98  9705  21:00
  C-6                  DUMMY     2348.58  9705  21:00
  C-7                  DUMMY     4973.99  9705  21:00
  Conduit Surcharge Summary
  No conduits were surcharged.

  Analysis begun on:  Mon Apr 29 15:15:59 2019
  Analysis ended on:  Mon Apr 29 15:18:00 2019
  Total elapsed time: 00:02:01