AHATPoultry.java [src/java/m/ahat] Revision: default  Date:
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package m.ahat;

import csip.ServiceException;
import data.table.Table;
import data.table.column.ColumnBoolean;
import data.table.column.ColumnDouble;
import data.table.column.ColumnInteger;
import database.ahat.AHATcrdb;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 * @author <a href="mailto:shaun.case@colostate.edu">Shaun Case</a>
public class AHATPoultry extends Table{

    public static final String BROILER_HOUSES = "broiler_houses";
    public static final String HEATING_SYSTEM_TYPE = "heating_system_type";
    public static final String POULTRY_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE = "poultry_heating_fuel_type";
    public static final String BROILER_HOUSE_FUEL_USE = "broiler_house_fuel_use";
    public static final String FACILITY_UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST = "facility_unit_electricity_cost";
    public static final String PRIMARY_LIGHTING_TYPE = "primary_lighting_type";
    public static final String USE_EFFICIENT_VENTILATION_SYSTEM = "use_efficient_ventilation_system";
    public static final String CLEAN_FAN_BLADES_SHUTTERS = "clean_fan_blades_shutters";
    public static final String MAINTAIN_FAN_MOTORS_BELT = "maintain_fan_motors_belts";
    public static final String REDUCE_BROILER_HOUSE_DRAFTS = "reduce_broiler_house_drafts";
    public static final String INSULATE_BROILER_HOUSE = "insulate_broiler_house";
    public static final String USE_CIRCULATION_FANS = "use_circulation_fans";
    public static final String USE_AMMONIA_SUPPRESSANT = "use_ammonia_suppressant";

    private AHATcrdb _db;

    public AHATPoultry(AHATcrdb db) throws SQLException, ServiceException {
        _db = db;
        addDataColumn(BROILER_HOUSES, new ColumnInteger(BROILER_HOUSES, "Number of broiler houses in the poultry operation"), true);
        addDataColumn(HEATING_SYSTEM_TYPE, new ColumnInteger(HEATING_SYSTEM_TYPE, "Type of poultry facility heating system"), true);
        addDataColumn(POULTRY_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE, new ColumnDouble(POULTRY_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE, "Type of fuel used to heat poultry facility by radiant tube or unvented forced air space heaters"), true);
        addDataColumn(BROILER_HOUSE_FUEL_USE, new ColumnInteger(BROILER_HOUSE_FUEL_USE, "Amount of fuel used annually for broiler house operation  natural gas: thousand cubic feet per year (MCF/yr) propane:  gallons per year"), true);
        addDataColumn(FACILITY_UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST, new ColumnBoolean(FACILITY_UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST, "electricity:  Dollars per kilowatt - hour $/kwh (minimum $0.001 and maximum $0.50.)"), true);
        addDataColumn(PRIMARY_LIGHTING_TYPE, new ColumnBoolean(PRIMARY_LIGHTING_TYPE, "Type of lighting used in the poultry housing system"));
        addDataColumn(USE_EFFICIENT_VENTILATION_SYSTEM, new ColumnBoolean(USE_EFFICIENT_VENTILATION_SYSTEM, "Does the poultry facility have an energy efficient ventilation system?"));
        addDataColumn(CLEAN_FAN_BLADES_SHUTTERS, new ColumnBoolean(CLEAN_FAN_BLADES_SHUTTERS, "Are ventilation fan blades cleaned and maintained after every flock?"));
        addDataColumn(MAINTAIN_FAN_MOTORS_BELT, new ColumnBoolean(MAINTAIN_FAN_MOTORS_BELT, "Are ventilation fan motors and belts checked and maintained after every flock?"));
        addDataColumn(REDUCE_BROILER_HOUSE_DRAFTS, new ColumnBoolean(REDUCE_BROILER_HOUSE_DRAFTS, "Have broiler houses been tightened to reduce drafts?"));
        addDataColumn(INSULATE_BROILER_HOUSE, new ColumnBoolean(INSULATE_BROILER_HOUSE, "Have broiler houses been insulated?"));
        addDataColumn(USE_CIRCULATION_FANS, new ColumnInteger(USE_CIRCULATION_FANS, "Are circulation fans used to keep temperatures uniform, improve litter conditions, and reduce fuel usage?"));
        addDataColumn(USE_AMMONIA_SUPPRESSANT, new ColumnBoolean(USE_AMMONIA_SUPPRESSANT, "Are litter amendments used to reduce ammonia levels impacting bird performance and health?"));               