AHATDairy.java [src/java/m/ahat] Revision: default  Date:
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package m.ahat;

import csip.ServiceException;
import csip.SessionLogger;
import data.table.Table;
import data.table.column.ColumnBoolean;
import data.table.column.ColumnDouble;
import data.table.column.ColumnInteger;
import database.ahat.AHATcrdb;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 * @author <a href="mailto:shaun.case@colostate.edu">Shaun Case</a>
public class AHATDairy extends Table {

    public static final String CONFINED_COWS = "confined_cows";
    public static final String MILK_PRODUCTION = "milk_production";
    public static final String UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST = "unit_electricity_cost";
    public static final String LIGHTING_TYPE = "lighting_type";
    public static final String USE_LONG_DAY_LIGHTING = "use_long_day_lighting";
    public static final String USE_BARN_CIRCULATION_FANS = "use_barn_circulation_fans";
    public static final String MAINTAIN_BARN_FANS = "maintain_barn_fans";
    public static final String USE_PARLOR_CIRCULATION_FANS = "use_parlor_circulation_fans";
    public static final String MAINTAIN_PARLOR_FANS = "maintain_parlor_fans";
    public static final String MILK_PRE_COOLING_SYSTEM = "milk_pre - cooling - system";
    public static final String USE_SCROLL_COMPRESSOR = "use_scroll_compressor";
    public static final String WATER_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE = "water_heating_fuel_type";
    public static final String RECOVER_COMPRESSOR_HEAT = "recover_compressor_heat";
    public static final String USE_VARIABLE_FREQUENCY_DRIVE = "use_variable_frequency_drive";
    private AHATcrdb _db;

    public AHATDairy(AHATcrdb db) throws SQLException, ServiceException {
        _db = db;
        addDataColumn(CONFINED_COWS, new ColumnInteger(CONFINED_COWS, "Number of confined cows in the dairy operation to represent the lactating herd number plus any dry cows and hospital cows that are also confined in the facility during the year."), true);
        addDataColumn(MILK_PRODUCTION, new ColumnInteger(MILK_PRODUCTION, "Total milk production of the herd shipped per year in pounds."), true);
        addDataColumn(UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST, new ColumnDouble(UNIT_ELECTRICITY_COST, "Dollars per kilowatt - hour $/kwh (minimum $0.001 and maximum $0.50.)"), true);
        addDataColumn(LIGHTING_TYPE, new ColumnInteger(LIGHTING_TYPE, "Type of lighting used in the dairy cow housing system."), true);
        addDataColumn(USE_LONG_DAY_LIGHTING, new ColumnBoolean(USE_LONG_DAY_LIGHTING, "Boolean value for does the housing system have upgraded barn lights operated according to a specific schedule to improve profitability and working conditions (a technique known as Long - Day Lighting or Photoperiod Control)?"));
        addDataColumn(USE_BARN_CIRCULATION_FANS, new ColumnBoolean(USE_BARN_CIRCULATION_FANS, "Boolean value for does the barn have air circulation fans?"));
        addDataColumn(MAINTAIN_BARN_FANS, new ColumnBoolean(MAINTAIN_BARN_FANS, "Boolean value for are the barn fans cleaned and maintained on a regular basis?"));
        addDataColumn(USE_PARLOR_CIRCULATION_FANS, new ColumnBoolean(USE_PARLOR_CIRCULATION_FANS, "Boolean value for does the milking parlor have air circulation fans?"));
        addDataColumn(MAINTAIN_PARLOR_FANS, new ColumnBoolean(MAINTAIN_PARLOR_FANS, "Boolean value for are the milking parlor fans cleaning and maintained on a regular basis?"));
        addDataColumn(MILK_PRE_COOLING_SYSTEM, new ColumnBoolean(MILK_PRE_COOLING_SYSTEM, "Method to pre - cool milk from the cow to the storage tank."), true);
        addDataColumn(USE_SCROLL_COMPRESSOR, new ColumnBoolean(USE_SCROLL_COMPRESSOR, "Boolean value for does the milk cooling process use a scroll compressor?"));
        addDataColumn(WATER_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE, new ColumnInteger(WATER_HEATING_FUEL_TYPE, "Fuel type for heating water "), true);
        addDataColumn(RECOVER_COMPRESSOR_HEAT, new ColumnBoolean(RECOVER_COMPRESSOR_HEAT, "Boolean value for does the dairy housing operation have a heat recovery system, using heat from the compressor to pre - heat water?  "));
        addDataColumn(USE_VARIABLE_FREQUENCY_DRIVE, new ColumnBoolean(USE_VARIABLE_FREQUENCY_DRIVE, "Boolean value for does the milking process use variable speed controllers, also known as variable frequency drive (VSD), to cut vacuum system energy costs?  "));        