WaterQualityInfo.java [src/WaterData] Revision: default Date:
package WaterData;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Last Updated: 2-April-2019
* @author Tyler Wible
* @since 21-June-2012
public class WaterQualityInfo {
* Anticipate a yyyy-mm-dd date format and convert the calendar year to a 'water year'
* @param originalDate A string of the date in yyyy-mm-dd format
* @return A 4-digit string of the water year (rather than calendar year)
public static String getWaterYear(String originalDate){
int year = Integer.parseInt(originalDate.substring(0,4));
int waterYear = year;
String month = originalDate.substring(5,7);
if ("10".equals(month) || "11".equals(month) || "12".equals(month)){
waterYear += 1;
return String.valueOf(waterYear);
* @param wqTest the water quality test desired "00600 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- mg/L" (format: "5-digit test-name -- units") or "flow"
* @param database
* @return a string with the type of units for the current test.
* @throws java.io.IOException
public static String[] getWqTestDataInfo(String wqTest, String database) throws IOException{
String wqCode = "flow";
String wqLabel = "flow";
String wqUnits = "cfs";
wqCode = wqTest.substring(0,5);//pull just the 5 digit USGS WQ code
wqLabel = wqTest.substring(6,wqTest.lastIndexOf("--")-1);//cut off the "98335" the test name and the "mg/L" units after the name
// //Looks like the USGS website changes to auto-fetch units, so let's just use the old method of 'what was provided'
// if(database.equalsIgnoreCase("USGS")){
// //Get Units for current WQ test (5-digit code)
// wqUnits = getUSGSwqUnits(wqCode);
// }else{
// wqUnits = wqTest.substring(wqTest.lastIndexOf("--") + 3);//keep the "mg/L" units after the name
// }
wqUnits = wqTest.substring(wqTest.lastIndexOf("--") + 3);//keep the "mg/L" units after the name
//Determine load duration curve calculation info. (wqUnits * flow * conversion = endUnits)
double ldcConversion = getLdcWqConversion(wqUnits);
String ldcEndUnits = getLdcWqEndUnits(wqUnits);
String[] resultArray = {wqCode, wqLabel, wqUnits, String.valueOf(ldcConversion), ldcEndUnits};
return resultArray;
// /**
// *
// * @return an ArrayList<String> with all the metadata from USGS for all the water quality tests
// * @throws IOException
// */
// private static ArrayList<String> getUSGSwqParameters() throws IOException{
// URL webpage = new URL("https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/pmcodes?radio_pm_search=param_group&pm_group=All+--+include+all+parameter+groups&pm_search=&casrn_search=&srsname_search=&format=rdb&show=parameter_group_nm&show=parameter_nm&show=casrn&show=srsname&show=parameter_units");
// URLConnection yc = webpage.openConnection();
// BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream()));
// String inputLine;
// ArrayList<String> webpageAll = new ArrayList<>();
// while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
// webpageAll.add(inputLine);
// }
// return webpageAll;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param parameterCode USGS parameter code for a specific water quality test.
// * @return a string with the type of units for the current test.
// * @throws IOException
// */
// public static String getUSGSwqUnits(String parameterCode) throws IOException{
// ArrayList<String> webpageAll = getUSGSwqParameters();
// String units = "0";
// //Find the units of the specified test
// for(int i=0; i<webpageAll.size(); i++){
// String[] f = webpageAll.get(i).split("\t");
// int line_length = f.length;
// if((line_length >= 6) && (f[0].length() == 5)){
// if(f[0].equals(parameterCode)){
// units = f[5];
// }
// }
// }
// return units;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param parameterCode USGS parameter code for a specific water quality test.
// * @return a string with the USGS label/name for the current test.
// * @throws IOException
// */
// public static String getUSGSwqLabel(String parameterCode) throws IOException{
// ArrayList<String> webpageAll = getUSGSwqParameters();
// String label = "?";
// //Find the units of the specified test
// for(int i=0; i<webpageAll.size(); i++){
// String[] f = webpageAll.get(i).split("\t");
// int line_length = f.length;
// if((line_length >= 6) && (f[0].length() == 5)){
// if(f[0].equals(parameterCode)){
// label = f[2];
// }
// }
// }
// return label;
// }
* @param units the units of the current USGS water quality test.
* @return a double with the correct load duration curve (LCD) conversion factor for the units.
public static double getLdcWqConversion(String units){
double conversion = 0;
conversion = (1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("#/m3")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("#/ml")){
conversion = (1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("MPN/100 ml")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("MPN/100L")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cfu/100ml")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cfu/mL")){
conversion = (1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("col/mL")){
conversion = (1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cysts/100L")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cysts/10L")){
conversion = (1.0/10.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/cm3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/mL @ 20C")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-6))*(1/1)*(1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/m3")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-6))*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l CaCO3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l NH4") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l NO3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l PO4") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l SiO2") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as H") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as N") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as Na") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as P") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as S") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mgC3H6O2/L")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-6))*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/mL @25C")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-6))*(1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ml/l")){
conversion = (1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/mL")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-12))*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/m3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/l")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-12))*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ocyst/100L")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("oocyst/10L")){
conversion = (1.0/10.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pfu/100L")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pfu/100ml")){
conversion = (1.0/100.0)*(1000)*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/m3")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-15))*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L 2,4-D") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L U3O8") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as As") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as Cl") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as N") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as P") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ugAtrazn/L")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-9))*(1000)*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/m3")){
conversion = (java.lang.Math.pow(10,-9))*(java.lang.Math.pow(0.3048,3))*(86400);
return conversion;
* @param units the units of the current USGS water quality test.
* @return a string with the load duration curve (LCD) end result units of the conversion.
public static String getLdcWqEndUnits(String units){
String endUnits = "No Units";
if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("#/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("#/m3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("#/ml")){
endUnits = "#/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("MPN/100 ml") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("MPN/100L")){
endUnits = "MPN/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cfu/100ml") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("cfu/mL")){
endUnits = "cfu/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("col/mL")){
endUnits = "col/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("cysts/100L") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("cysts/10L")){
endUnits = "cysts/day";//= cysts/100L*cfs
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l CaCO3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l NH4") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l NO3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l PO4") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l SiO2") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as H") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as N") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as Na") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as P") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l as S") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("mgC3H6O2/L") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/cm3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/mL @ 20C") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("g/m3") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/mL @25C") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/mL") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/m3") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/m3") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L 2,4-D") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L U3O8") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as As") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as Cl") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as N") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/L as P") ||
units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/l") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ugAtrazn/L") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/m3")){
endUnits = "kg/day";//= mg/l*cfs
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ml/l")){
endUnits = "ml/day";//= mg/l*cfs
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pfu/100L") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pfu/100ml")){
endUnits = "pfu/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ocyst/100L")){
endUnits = "ocyst/day";
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("oocyst/10L")){
endUnits = "oocyst/day";
return endUnits;
* @param desiredUnits the desired output units of this conversion (mg/L, ug/l, cfs)
* @param currentUnits the units of the current water quality data (g/l, mg/l, ug/l,ng/l, pg/l, and cfs, mgd)
* @return a double with the correct conversion factor for getting the currentUnits converted into the desiredUnits
public static double getWQconversion(String desiredUnits, String currentUnits){
double conversion = -1.0;
conversion = convertToMiligram(currentUnits);
}else if(desiredUnits.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/l")){
conversion = convertToMicrograms(currentUnits);
}else if(desiredUnits.equalsIgnoreCase("cfs")){
conversion = convertToCfs(currentUnits);
}else if(desiredUnits.equalsIgnoreCase("std units")){
conversion = 1.0;//leave pH units alone
//There are more units to be handled, but this is sufficient for now
conversion = 1.0;//leave coliform units alone
return conversion;
* @param units the units of the current water quality data
* @return a double with the correct conversion factor for the data into standardized (common) units
private static double convertToCfs(String units){
double conversion = -1.0;
conversion = 1.0;//convert to cfs
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mgd")){
conversion = 1.54722865;//convert to cfs
return conversion;
* @param units the units of the current water quality data
* @return a double with the correct conversion factor for the data into standardized (common) units
private static double convertToMiligram(String units){
double conversion = -1.0;
conversion = 1000.0;//convert to mg/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l")){
conversion = 1.0;//convert to mg/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/l")){
conversion = 0.001;//convert to mg/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/l")){
conversion = (1.0/1000000.0);//convert to mg/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/l")){
conversion = (1.0/1000000000.0);//convert to mg/l
return conversion;
* @param units the units of the current water quality data
* @return a double with the correct conversion factor for the data into standardized (common) units
private static double convertToMicrograms(String units){
double conversion = -1.0;
conversion = 1000000.0;//convert to ug/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("mg/l")){
conversion = 1000.0;//convert to ug/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ug/l")){
conversion = 1.0;//convert to ug/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("ng/l")){
conversion = (1.0/1000.0);//convert to ug/l
}else if(units.equalsIgnoreCase("pg/l")){
conversion = (1.0/1000000.0);//convert to ug/l
return conversion;