WaterDataInterface.java [src/WaterData] Revision: default Date:
package WaterData;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Last Updated: 9-April-2019
* @author Tyler Wible
* @since 8-February-2017
public interface WaterDataInterface {
* Get a citation for the database that was used to fetch data.
* @return
public String getDataSourceCitation();
* Extract daily flow from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flow data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return ArrayList of strings of the raw data
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public ArrayList<String> extractFlowData_raw(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract daily flow from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flow data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return String[][] array of paired dates and flow data.
* Dates (yyyy-MM-dd format) are in the first column [i][0] and flow (in cfs) is in the second [i][1]
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public String[][] extractFlowData_formatted(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract water quality data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which water quality data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param wqTest the water quality test desired "00600 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- mg/L" (format: "5-digit test-name -- units") or "flow"
* @return ArrayList of strings of the raw data
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public ArrayList<String> extractWaterQualityData_raw(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate, String wqTest) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract water quality data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which water quality data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param wqTest the water quality test desired "00600 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- mg/L" (format: "5-digit test-name -- units") or "flow"
* @return String[][] array of paired dates and water quality data.
* Dates (yyyy-MM-dd format) are in the first column [i][0] and water quality data are in the second [i][1]
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public String[][] extractWaterQualityData_formatted(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate, String wqTest) throws WaterDataException;
// throw new WaterDataException("There is no " + wqTest + " water quality data available for " + database + " station: " + stationId + ".");
// /**
// * Extract flow and water quality data from the current database
// * @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
// * @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
// * @param stationId the station ID for which flow and water quality data is desired
// * @param startDate the begin date of desired flow and water quality data (yyyy-MM-dd)
// * @param endDate the end date of desired flow and water quality data (yyyy-MM-dd)
// * @param wqTest the water quality test desired "00600 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- mg/L" (format: "5-digit test-name -- units")
// * @throws Exception
// */
// public static Object[] extractFlow_and_WQdata(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate, String wqTest) throws Exception{
// }
* Extract flood data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flood data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return ArrayList of strings of the raw data
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public ArrayList<String> extractFloodData_raw(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract flood data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param orgId the organization which provided the data to the database (only used by STORET and CDSN databases)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flood data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return double[][] array of paired years and flood data.
* Years are in the first column [i][0] and flood values (cfs) are in the second [i][1]
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public double[][] extractFloodData_formatted(String directory, String orgId, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract instantaneous flow data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flow and water quality data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return ArrayList of strings of the raw data
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public ArrayList<String> extractInstantaneousFlowData_raw(String directory, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract instantaneous flow data from the current database
* @param directory the output file location (used by STORET Data extraction)
* @param stationId the station ID for which flow and water quality data is desired
* @param startDate the begin date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @param endDate the end date of desired data (yyyy-MM-dd)
* @return String[][] array of paired dates and flow data.
* Dates (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm format) are in the first column [i][0] and flow data are in the second [i][1]
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public String[][] extractInstantaneousFlowData_formatted(String directory, String stationId, String startDate, String endDate) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract stage-discharge (rating curve) relationship data from the current database
* @param stationId the station ID for which stage-discharge data is desired
* @return ArrayList of strings of the raw data
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public ArrayList<String> extractStageDischarge_raw(String stationId) throws WaterDataException;
* Extract stage-discharge (rating curve) relationship data from the current database
* @param stationId the station ID for which stage-discharge data is desired
* @return double[][] array of paired discharge and depth data.
* Discharge (cfs) is in the first column [i][0] and flow depth (ft) is in the second [i][1]
* @throws WaterData.WaterDataException
public double[][] extractStageDischarge_formatted(String stationId) throws WaterDataException;