WEPPHillslopeProfileReport.htm [src/java/data] Revision: default  Date:
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#set($String = "abc")
#set($totalFuel = 0)
<div class="WordSection1">

<p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><img width="210" height="41" id="Picture1" src="./Report_files/image001.gif" alt="USDANRCSgif" /></span>&#160;</p>

<p  align="center" style="text-align: center; background: silver;"><b><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">WEPP Profile Erosion Calculation

<p><b><span class="allfonts" style="color: blue;">Info:&#160;&#160; </span></b><br />

<b><u><span class="allfonts">Client Name:</span></u></b><b><span class="allfonts"> </span></b><span class="allfonts">${Info.userName}</span><br />
<b><u><span class="allfonts">Field Name:</span></u></b><b><span class="allfonts"> </span></b><span class="allfonts">${Info.fieldName}</span><br />
<b><u><span class="allfonts">Simulation Run Date:</span></u></b><b><span class="allfonts"> </span></b><span class="allfonts">${Info.runDate}</span>

<b><u><span class="allfonts">Inputs:</span></u></b><br />

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks" >
<td>Slope length (horiz) (ft)</td>
<td>Slope Shape</td>
<td>Avg. slope steepness, %</td>
<tr class="nobreaks">


<p><b><u><span class="allfonts">Soil:</span></u></b><b><span class="allfonts"> </span></b><span class="allfonts">Component key of ${Soil.COKEY} ${Soil.name} </span> <br /> 
    <b><span class="allfonts"> Soil T value:</span></b> ${Soil.TValue} (ton/A/yr)

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks" >
<td>Yield Units</td>
<td># yield units, #/ac</td>  
<td>target yield</td>
<td>Yield %Moisture</td>
<td>%Yield Attained</td>  
#foreach($managementObject in $managements.managements)
#foreach($yieldObject in $managementObject.yields)
<tr class="nobreaks">
#if (${yieldObject.yld} == "N/A") 
   #set($eyld = "N/A")
   #set($eyld = $numberTool.format("#.#",${yieldObject.yld}))
#if (${yieldObject.eff} == "N/A") 
   #set($eyld = "N/A")
   #set($eyld = $numberTool.format("#.#",${yieldObject.eff}))



<p ><span class="allfonts">&#160;</span></p>

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks">
<tr class="nobreaks">

<p ><b><u><span class="allfonts">Outputs:</span></u></b></p>

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks">
<td>Precipitation (in/yr)</td>
<td>Irrigation (in/yr)</td>   
<td>NRCS soil loss planning (ton/A/yr)</td>
<td>Soil loss erod. portion (ton/A/yr)</td>
<td>Runoff (in/yr)</td>
<td>Sediment delivery (ton/A/yr)</td>
<td>Sediment delivery (ton/yr)</td>
<tr class="nobreaks">


<h3>Crop Interval Erosion</h3>
<p><b>Note:</b> Negative values indicate net soil deposition in the area over the time period.
#foreach($managementObject in $managements.managements)
<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks" >
<td>Start Date</td>
<td>End Date</td>
<td>Loss (ton/A)</td>
<td>STIR Sum</td>
#foreach($intObject in $managementObject.intervals)
<tr class="nobreaks">

<br />

<h3>Management Operations</h3>

#foreach($managementObject in $managements.managements)

<table id="mangtable" class="allfonts">
 <thead class="nobreaks">
<td>Surf. res. cov. after op, %</td>
<td>Fuel (gal/ac)</td>
#foreach($operation in $managementObject.operations)
<tr class="nobreaks">
#set($totalFuel = $totalFuel + $operation.Fuel)

<p ><span class="allfonts">&#160;</span></p>

#set($totalBtus = $totalFuel * 137381)

<p ><b><span class="allfonts">Fuel Use Evaluation</span></b></p>

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks">
<td>Fuel type for entire run</td>   
<td>Equiv. diesel use for entire simulation (gal/ac)</td>
<td>Energy use for entire simulation (BTUs/ac)</td>
<td>Fuel cost for entire simulation US$/ac</td>
<tr class="nobreaks">

<p ><b><span class="allfonts">SCI and STIR Output</span></b></p>

<table class="allfonts">
<tr class="nobreaks">
<td>Soil conditioning index (SCI)</td>
<td>SCI OM subfactor</td>
<td>SCI FO subfactor</td>
<td>SCI ER subfactor</td>
<td>Avg. annual slope STIR</td>
<tr class="nobreaks">

<p  style="margin-right: 0.5in;"><span class="allfonts">The <b>SCI </b>is the <b>Soil Conditioning
Index </b>rating.&#160; If the calculated index is a negative value, soil organic
matter levels are predicted to decline under that production system. If the
index is a positive value, soil organic matter levels are predicted to increase
under that system. </span></p>

<p ><span class="allfonts">The
<b>STIR</b> value is the <b>Soil Tillage Intensity Rating</b>. <span style="">It utilizes the speed, depth, surface disturbance
percent and tillage type parameters to calculate a tillage intensity rating for
the system used in growing a crop or a rotation.&#160; STIR ratings tend to show the
differences in the degree of soil disturbance between systems.&#160; The kind,
severity and number of ground disturbing passes are evaluated for the entire
cropping rotation as shown in the management description.</span></span></p>

<p ><span class="allfonts">&#160;</span></p>

    <img src="./Report_files/elevation.jpeg" alt="slope graph" />
    <img src="./Report_files/soilLoss.jpeg" alt="soil loss" />
    <img src="./Report_files/depthLoss.jpeg" alt="soil loss" />

