@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ |
*/ |
public class guiDataDownloads { |
//Inputs |
- String directory = "E:/Projects/TylerWible_repos/NetBeans/data/DataDownloads"; |
+ String directory = "C:/Projects/TylerWible_repos/NetBeans/data/DataDownloads"; |
String beginDate = "";//user defined begin date |
String endDate = "";//user defined end date |
boolean USGSflowTF = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for USGS stations |
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ |
boolean USGSWellsWatertableHeightTF = true;//if true then watertable-height data will be downloaded for USGSwell stations |
boolean USGSWellwqTF = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for USGSwell stations |
boolean STORETflowTF = false;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for STORET stations |
- boolean STORETwqTF = false;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for STORET stations |
+ boolean STORETwqTF = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for STORET stations |
boolean CDWRflowTF = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for CDWR stations |
boolean CDWRstageDischargeTF = true;//if true then stage-discharge data will be downloaded for CDWR stations |
- boolean NADPannualDataTF = true;//if true then annual data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
- boolean NADPmonthlyDataTF = true;//if true then monthly data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
- boolean NADPweeklyDataTF = true;//if true then weekly data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
+ boolean NADPannualDataTF = false;//if true then annual data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
+ boolean NADPmonthlyDataTF = false;//if true then monthly data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
+ boolean NADPweeklyDataTF = false;//if true then weekly data will be downloaded for NADP stations |
boolean CDSNflowTF = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for CDSN stations |
boolean CDSNwqTF = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for CDSN stations |
String attributeFile = "Database\tOrg_ID\tStaID\tStaName\tLatitude\tLongitude\tCounty\tState\tCountry\tHUCNumber\tDrainArea\tElev\tElevUnits\tElevDatum\tBeginDate\tEndDate\tCoop_ID\tWBAN_ID\n" + |
"USGS\tn/a\t07369654\tCoon Bayou Tributary near Tillar\t33.74982893\t-91.4115096\tDesha County\tARKANSAS\tUnited States\t8050002\t0.02\t145\tft\tNGVD29\t1995-03-05\t1996-12-16\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
"USGS Wells\tn/a\t332432091031501\tD0016 WASHINGTON\t33.409005\t-91.0542732\tWashington County\tMISSISSIPPI\tUnited States\t8030209\t\t125\tft\tNGVD29\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
"SNOTEL\tn/a\t330\tBeaver Divide\t40.61666667\t-111.1\tWasatch\tUTAH\tUnited States\t\t\t8280\tfeet\t\t1978-10-01\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
-// "STORET\t11NPSWRD\tCRLA_GSFRA_52\tPothole Creek (No.52 in GS report)\t42.936853\t-121.949314\tKLAMATH\tOREGON\t\t18010201\t--\t0\t\tNAD83\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
- "NADP\tn/a\tCO21\tManitou\t39.1008\t-105.0933\tTeller\tCOLORADO\tUSA\t\t\t2362\tm\t\t1978-10-17\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
+ "STORET\t11NPSWRD\tCRLA_GSFRA_52\tPothole Creek (No.52 in GS report)\t42.936853\t-121.949314\tKLAMATH\tOREGON\t\t18010201\t--\t0\t\tNAD83\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
+// "NADP\tn/a\tCO21\tManitou\t39.1008\t-105.0933\tTeller\tCOLORADO\tUSA\t\t\t2362\tm\t\t1978-10-17\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
// "CDSN\tCITYFTCO_WQX\tPBOXC\tCache La Poudre River above Boxelder Creek, Site C\t40.551282\t-105.008726\tLarimer\tCOLORADO\tUSA\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + |
"CDWR\tn/a\tDEUDITCO\tDEUEL SNYDER CANAL\t40.282657\t-103.848246\t\tColorado\tUnited States\t\t\t\t\t\t2008-03-31\t2014-09-25\tn/a\tn/a";//the contents of a tab-delimited input file |
//Outputs |
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ |
(currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("CDSN") && CDSNwqTF) ) { |
ArrayList<String> rawData = new ArrayList<>(); |
try{ |
- rawData = waterLib.extractWaterQualityData_raw(directory, currentAttributes[index_org_id], currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate, "nitrogen"); |
+ rawData = waterLib.extractWaterQualityData_raw(directory, currentAttributes[index_org_id], currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate, "all"); |
}catch(WaterDataException e){ |
rawData.add("There is no available water quality data in the " + currentAttributes[index_database] + " database for station '" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "'."); |
} |