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csip-crp Mercurial repository by odavid
Conservation Reserve Program
Clone: Last push: Dec 27 2021 18:59
Push: Size: 33.1 MB
Forks: 0 Pull requests: 0 pending
Pull Requests
Branches & Tags

Author Comment Items
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 16:01

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 16:02
?  Bug fixes
732ab534cb0723f078182d337db35823f3e084d0 branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 16:01

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 16:02
?  Bug fixes
b5385a38cad4da9552432785e893a636ee722575 branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 16:01

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 16:02
?  Bug fixes
bae24321bace394f32f10aab6a93d317688b776b branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:11

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Removed inner class
?  Added command line to specify which fields are of interest.
2ab4f110edef59d017f8900e3715acdc24b2ea32 branches: tip , default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:11

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Moved from inner class to external
?  Added functionality to pull out data as specified by list of desired fields.  Makes app usable to pull out any data based on command line input.
16b8d604b7496bcb92c227ee905f1cffe61c989e branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:09

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Lib updates
e6d9dd4889b5319e5ce7b00648887c88153ce63e branches: default
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:09

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Updates for new calculations for climate and wind.
cc41e45f67fa3e290531b41dca43638a993daf2e branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:08

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Updated internal lib
c575f438e6fb50d27f5ffc696aa42684726cb82e branches: default
  • modified
  • modified
  • modified
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:07

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Updated internal lib
16de26b857e265d4f5a6766c8fa82c860d45bb89 branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 30 2019 15:07

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 30 2019 15:11
?  Updated internal lib
993df53effc3aab449df5036da0abc3f692825e5 branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 17 2019 16:18

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 17 2019 16:18
?  New tool to pull data out of the zip files created by the Climate Wind Soil service.  Creates a csv with lat/lon and cokeys.
cd8d9383764d483b896f2fcbccf324614b63af3b branches: tip , default
Shaun Case
Oct 17 2019 16:16

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 17 2019 16:18
?  Using more up-to-date soilsdb
434fe1126ad674c4d18b88f2954fdfc5c6e51ee5 branches: default
Shaun Case
Oct 10 2019 13:14

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 10 2019 13:14
?  fix to extra ?/? in filename that got fixed in core.
4b80f4d13c2abb8f0e218dfab214a33011391dcc branches: tip , default
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 14:50

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 14:50
?  Bumped up the max number of threads to be used based on command line input.  Defaults to 10 without command line input.
7c1f1f8848cbd1aea45f9edcc27ec1f783d215b9 branches: tip , default
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 14:39

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 14:39
?  Added example input JSON
56c5b69a2a99652da4294994c7c9198493402874 branches: tip , default
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 12:40

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 12:40
?  Completed WEPS Meta Model Archive retrieval service (Collects the Meta-Model data from input SUID)
7f6c12749a942ad7be3ce8613b5c545d93d8693b branches: tip , default
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 12:39

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 12:40
?  Getting WEPS Meta-Model data sorted and calculated (More to do?)
?  Setting up output JSON
b9aaa4ca61d2f461ae9c37457bc21e454a4bc8a1 branches: default
  • modified
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 12:38

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 12:40
?  New configs
89c98c4f5be80a31c69b85bbea280c62ed029d26 branches: default
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 12:38

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 12:40
?  New libs
85a1df201c0e3f98899fc5ee8a09423472cce65e branches: default
  • modified
  • modified
  • modified
  • modified
Shaun Case
Oct 09 2019 12:38

Pusher:  casesp
Oct 09 2019 12:40
New Message
8eddfcb4b3531d09823d20474f14d124785b6447 branches: default
363 Commits found, displaying 321 to 340