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csip-wqm Mercurial repository by ktraff

Water Quality Module Services

Computation and data services supporting the NRCS stewardship tool for environmental protection (STEP) process

Clone: Last push: Yesterday 14:39
Push: Size: 12.5 MB
Forks: 0 Pull requests: 0 pending
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Author Comment Items
Oct 20 2015 11:21

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
d0a1d18790435b00403111f14062d4d62d0a3d1f branches: default
  • modified
Oct 20 2015 11:21

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
WQM-02: Modifications needed to align with updated business requirements #468256
--  Added necessary modifications.
555c919ceeba5b122fc0e58dce91e6ab218e09de branches: default
  • modified
  • modified
Sandeep Kasavaraju
Oct 17 2015 00:41

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
9e745cffbfe13db86a05c2b16c55b65e8d9eb87c branches: default
Sandeep Kasavaraju
Oct 16 2015 23:07

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
WQM-4 updated as per spec
2742196b540016b52571b30ba54c2c1663a07871 branches: default
  • modified
Sandeep Kasavaraju
Oct 16 2015 17:24

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
WQM-4 perfect. need to test
337500c1c79b57168c8480f8eb75d5510a7caac5 branches: default
  • modified
Oct 16 2015 13:17

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
--  Added the ability to specify a percentage of the total AoA as a cutoff for the components returned per request.
88d910e4c035525ee673a898fb7096db99bdea29 branches: default
  • modified
Oct 16 2015 13:17

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
--  Boolean logic failure in the kffact calculation.  Fixed.
--  Added the ability to specify a percentage of the total AoA as a cutoff for the components returned per request.
--  Changed the default percentage cuttoff to 0.0 per request.
eb6431e8cddd4daff8859eaf150829f54e7c22b0 branches: default
  • modified
Oct 15 2015 09:00

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
--  Removed from this directory...didn't belong here.
c1297fa4f4f296e103984517ad19823282f6008c branches: default
Oct 15 2015 09:00

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
--  Beginning to convert this to WQM-03
5061a582c393dad20ece8522a66d1be00c3ae086 branches: default
  • modified
Oct 15 2015 08:54

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
WQM-02 and WQM-21: Soil service returns fewer soil components than expected and unexpected acreages #468134
--  Fixed missing addition calculation.
--  Also note that the ssurgo.component database contains a column comppct_r, which is used in percentage of AoA calculations for each soil component of the intersected mapunit.  This column contains no floating point numbers, thus the area calculations may be inaccurate.
26da732efd0db9b9d470efd8bb0ff79e7ee491aa branches: default
  • modified
Oct 14 2015 09:02

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
fe3666b7a71368a593dea3e616d8a79f9aa5c18b branches: default
Oct 14 2015 09:02

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
--  Removed unneeded code.
fca1fca841cc5195b3a1bc98330c2edf505c81d5 branches: default
  • modified
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 17:25

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Merged the classes in one class and refactored the code
ba7aa62c77be3be8589265ca21177e1453418fa0 branches: default
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 17:06

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Merged the classes in one class and refactored the code
db2ca0197d6554f18325bb31d5b4add42283039b branches: default
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 16:46

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Refactored the code
14590e21f589ac9f59f663b96abd36c9d06bf873 branches: default
  • modified
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 16:44

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Merged the classes into one and Refactored the code
9e22a1e52faa6fcfa4c5641b90e7c5d39521114a branches: default
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 16:16

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Merged the classes into one and Refactored the code
fa1a3a4d9e68bb534a5057f7c48941cf5368173c branches: default
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 15:43

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Refactored Code
b4525a1b0b2ee2dee432e4530556b621d1cedd41 branches: default
  • modified
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 12 2015 13:17

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Refactored Code
f49dd42a05d88c39bdff4bc7bbd3b709687334a2 branches: default
  • modified
Lenovo <Lenovo@Srinivas9199>
Oct 07 2015 14:13

Pusher:  ktraff
Jan 12 2016 14:16
Classes Merged into one
b134dec7ca9930bfeb04dc3512f321e43a7512e7 branches: default
702 Commits found, displaying 481 to 500