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Water and Wind Erodibility Potentials#70024/v2
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Water and Wind Erodibility Potentials[SERVICE-70024]

Tracker: Services Priority: HighestHighest Status: New
Submitted by: JRCarlsonMar 27 2020 16:42 Modified by: JRCarlsonMar 27 2020 16:51 Type:
Path: d/wepot/2.2 Context: csip-soils Version: 2.2
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This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analysis (AoA). The service clips SSURGO soil mapunits with AoA geometry and fetches parameters from the SSURGO component table for all major soil components >= 10% of the AoA area, fetches a climate factor from the C Factor layer, and computes the following equations for each soil component: Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T ; Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T. Results include water erodibility potentials for the critical dominant soil component, the soil component having the highest erodibility potential, and weighted average for all selected soil components. Results also include wind erodibility potentials for the critical dominant soil component.
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New Mar 27 2020 16:42
Submit by JRCarlson
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Mar 27 2020 16:51
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This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analysis (AoA). The service clips SSURGO soil mapunits with AoA geometry and fetches parameters from the SSURGO component table for all major soil components >= 10~% of the AoA area~, fetches a climate factor from the C Factor layer~, and computes the following equations for each soil component: Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T ; Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T. Results include water erodibility potentials for the critical dominant soil component~, the soil component having the highest erodibility potential~, and weighted average for all selected soil components. Results also include wind erodibility potentials for the critical dominant soil component.

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This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analysis (AoA).  The service clips SSURGO soil mapunits with AoA geometry~, determines the dominant soil component in the AoA~, gets parameters from the SSURGO component table~, including a climate factor from the C Factor layer~, and computes the following equations: Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T ;  Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T.
Mar 27 2020 16:42
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