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GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)#6550/HEAD / v5
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GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)[SERVICE-6550]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Accepted
Submitted by: wlloydJan 12 2016 11:03 Modified by: jdriMay 18 2018 12:05 Type:
Path: m/gras/getrhattrchoicelist/1.0 Context: csip-gras Version: 1.0
Website: -- Apps:
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Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --

GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)

This service returns a payload of choice lists associated with a specific rangeland health assessment attributes. User selects appropriate rating from the choice list and associated assigned numeric value score for the rating is saved to NPAD.


    "metainfo": {},
    "parameter": []
    "metainfo": {
        "status": "Finished",
        "suid": "63709ee3-2abd-11e7-8435-bd7a6ffab532",
        "cloud_node": "",
        "tstamp": "2017-04-26 14:17:36",
        "service_url": "",
        "request_ip": "",
        "csip-gras.version": "$version: 0.4.228 c563372fef74 2017-04-20 rumpal, built at 2017-04-20 16:16 by jenkins$",
        "csip.version": "$version: 2.1.179 5b6bb423bd93 2017-04-17 od, built at 2017-04-20 16:16 by jenkins$",
        "cpu_time": 3,
        "expiration_date": "2017-04-26 14:18:06"
    "parameter": [],
    "result": [
            "name": "RH Atribute Choice List",
            "value": [
                        "name": "choice_id",
                        "value": 1,
                        "description": "Choice Identifier, five per request"
                        "name": "choice_sequence",
                        "value": 1,
                        "description": "Choice Sequence, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_data_value",
                        "value": 5,
                        "description": "Choice Data Value, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_label",
                        "value": "None to Slight",
                        "description": "Choice Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_short_label",
                        "value": "N-S",
                        "description": "Choice Short Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_description",
                        "value": "None to slight degree of departure from expected levels for the attribute.",
                        "description": "Choice Description, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_id",
                        "value": 2,
                        "description": "Choice Identifier, five per request"
                        "name": "choice_sequence",
                        "value": 2,
                        "description": "Choice Sequence, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_data_value",
                        "value": 4,
                        "description": "Choice Data Value, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_label",
                        "value": "Slight to Moderate",
                        "description": "Choice Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_short_label",
                        "value": "S-M",
                        "description": "Choice Short Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_description",
                        "value": "Slight to moderate degree of departure from expected levels for the attribute.",
                        "description": "Choice Description, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_id",
                        "value": 3,
                        "description": "Choice Identifier, five per request"
                        "name": "choice_sequence",
                        "value": 3,
                        "description": "Choice Sequence, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_data_value",
                        "value": 3,
                        "description": "Choice Data Value, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_label",
                        "value": "Moderate",
                        "description": "Choice Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_short_label",
                        "value": "M",
                        "description": "Choice Short Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_description",
                        "value": "Moderate degree of departure from expected levels for the attribute.",
                        "description": "Choice Description, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_id",
                        "value": 4,
                        "description": "Choice Identifier, five per request"
                        "name": "choice_sequence",
                        "value": 4,
                        "description": "Choice Sequence, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_data_value",
                        "value": 2,
                        "description": "Choice Data Value, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_label",
                        "value": "Moderate to Extreme",
                        "description": "Choice Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_short_label",
                        "value": "M-E",
                        "description": "Choice Short Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_description",
                        "value": "Moderate to extreme degree of departure from expected levels for the attribute.",
                        "description": "Choice Description, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_id",
                        "value": 5,
                        "description": "Choice Identifier, five per request"
                        "name": "choice_sequence",
                        "value": 5,
                        "description": "Choice Sequence, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_data_value",
                        "value": 1,
                        "description": "Choice Data Value, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_label",
                        "value": "Extreme to Total",
                        "description": "Choice Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_short_label",
                        "value": "E-T",
                        "description": "Choice Short Label, one per choice_id"
                        "name": "choice_description",
                        "value": "Extreme to total degree of departure from expected levels for the attribute.",
                        "description": "Choice Description, one per choice_id"
   (the file to convert)
   (the converted file)
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Accepted Jan 12 2016 11:03
Submit by wlloyd
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May 18 2018 12:05
Edit 5
!!!GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)
...t and associated assigned numeric value score for the rating is saved to NPAD.
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": []
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",

Show diff
!!!GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)
...t and associated assigned numeric value score for the rating is saved to NPAD.
|__Request__ |__Response__¶
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": []
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
Apr 26 2017 14:18
Edit 4
!!!GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid": "63709ee3-2abd-11e7-8435-bd7a6ffab532",¶
"cloud_node": "",
"tstamp": "2017-04-26 14:17:36",
"service_url": "",
"request_ip": "

Show diff
!!!GRAS-16d: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Attribute Rating Choice List (GetRHAttrChoiceList)": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid": "d3d0cc4c-122e-11e5-bac5-8b0bb92f845e",¶
"cloud_node": "2601:1:8780:2962:b8d8:8d39:13c9:4186",
"tstamp": "2015-06-13 18:46:43",
"service_url": "http://localhost:8080/csip-gras/m/gras/getrhattrchoicelist/1.0",
"request_ip": "
May 27 2016 15:29
Edit 3
Comments/Attachments 1 comment deleted --
Apr 02 2016 20:38
Edit 2
Endpoints [] []
Jan 12 2016 11:03
Submit 1
No changes.