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GRAS-16a: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Indicators (GetRHIndicators)#6545/v1
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GRAS-16a: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Indicators (GetRHIndicators)[SVC-6545]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Accepted
Submitted by: wlloydJan 12 2016 11:03 Modified by: wlloydJan 12 2016 11:03 Type:
Path: m/gras/getrhindicators/1.0 Context: csip-gras Version: 1.0
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --

GRAS-16a: Get Rangeland Health Assessment Indicators (GetRHIndicators)

This service returns a payload of the rangeland health assessment indicators to enable the requesting application to complete a rangeland health assessment.


    "metainfo": {},
    "parameter": []
    "metainfo": {
        "status": "Finished",
        "suid": "feada33d-2abc-11e7-8435-eda73c37d6fb",
        "cloud_node": "",
        "tstamp": "2017-04-26 14:14:47",
        "service_url": "",
        "request_ip": "",
        "csip-gras.version": "$version: 0.4.228 c563372fef74 2017-04-20 rumpal, built at 2017-04-20 16:16 by jenkins$",
        "csip.version": "$version: 2.1.179 5b6bb423bd93 2017-04-17 od, built at 2017-04-20 16:16 by jenkins$",
        "cpu_time": 5,
        "expiration_date": "2017-04-26 14:15:17"
    "parameter": [],
    "result": [
            "name": "RH Indicators List",
            "value": [
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 1,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 1,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Rills",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Number and extent of rills",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 2,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 2,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Water flow patterns",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Presence of water flow patterns",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 3,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 3,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Pedestals and/or terracettes",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Number and height of erosional pedestals or terracettes",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 4,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 4,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Bare ground",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Percent bare ground",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 5,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 5,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Gullies",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Number of gullies and erosion associated with gullies",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 6,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 6,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Wind scoured, blowouts, and/or deposition areas",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Extent of wind scoured, blowouts, and/or depositional areas",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 7,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 7,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Litter movement",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Amount of litter movement",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 8,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 8,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Soil surface resistance to erosion",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Soil surface resistance to erosion",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 9,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 9,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Soil surface loss or degradation",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Soil surface loss or degradation of soil surface structure",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 10,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 10,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Plant community composition and distribution relative to infiltration",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Effect of plant community composition and spatial distribution on infiltration and runoff",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 11,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 11,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Compaction layer",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Presence and thickness of compaction layer",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 13,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 13,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Plant mortality/decadence",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Amount of plant mortality and decadence",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 12,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 12,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Functional/structural groups",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Number and relative abundance of functional/structural groups",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 14,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 14,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Litter amount",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Percent litter cover and depth",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 15,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 15,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Annual production",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Percent of the potential above ground annual production",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 16,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 16,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Invasive plants",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Dominance of invasive plants",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_id",
                        "value": 17,
                        "description": "RH Indicator Identifier"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_sequence",
                        "value": 17,
                        "description": "Display Sequence Number for Indicator"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_name",
                        "value": "Reproductive capability of perennial plants",
                        "description": "Indicator Name"
                        "name": "rhi_indicators_description",
                        "value": "Perennial plant reproductive capability",
                        "description": "Indicator Description"
   (the file to convert)
   (the converted file)
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