"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"name": "file_key",
"description": "BigInt that uniquely identifies an operation",
"value": "8771716787495337030"
"name": "keywords",
"description": "search for an operation based upon keywords. Keywords are space delimited and may be negated for an exclusive search. For example [plow -furrow] would search for all records containing the word plow, but not the word furrow.",
"value": "plow -furrow"
"name": "limit",
"description": "Maximum number of rows to be returned.",
"value": "1"
"name": "offset",
"description": "Starting row for return records.",
"value": "0"
"name": "name",
"description": "filters file name on a full string. Otherwise, exactly like the Keywords parameter. Also negate-able",
"value": "Chisel plow, coulter, st. pts., cover disks"
"name": "path",
"description": "filters file path on a full string. Otherwise, exactly like the Keywords parameter. Also negate-able",
"value": "operations"
"name": "format",
"description": "Use this parameter to specify if you need data in a model specific format. Current values are r2 for rusle2, weps for wind erosion prediction, and lmod for a database specific version. Case insensitive",
"value": "r2,weps,lmod"
"name": "full-data",
"description": "T, True, F, False - answers the questions: Do you want to retrieve only records which have both WEPS and R2 data associated with them. T indicates both formats are required.",
"value": "F"
"metainfo": {
"parameter": [
"result": [{
"managements": [],
"managementCount": 0,
"operations": [{
"file_key": "8771716787495337030",
"name": "Chisel plow, coulter, st. pts., cover disks",
"path": "operations",
"r2Data": "<Obj>...<\/Obj>",
"wepsData": ""
"operationCount": 1,
"crops": [],
"cropCount": 0,
"residues": [],
"residueCount": 0,
"barriers": [],
"barriersCount": 0