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Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation v1.4#6447/v9
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Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation v1.4[SERVICE-6447]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Deployed
Submitted by: wlloydJan 12 2016 11:03 Modified by: JRCarlsonApr 26 2017 20:42 Type:
Path: m/weps/1.4 Context: csip-erosion Version: 1.4
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --

Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation (csip-erosion/m/weps/1.4)

20170425: This service in the csip-erosion context runs WEPS model version 1.3.9, and has been used to support NRCS IET training during 2016 and the first half of 2017. This version uses soil component keys from an instance of the 2015 NRCS Soil Data Mart and calls the csip-soils/d/wepssoilinput/1.0 service to fetch soil parameters and create a soil .ifc file on the fly for input to the WEPS model. This version also resolve the RUSLE2 to WEPS crop translation issues that occurred in version 1.3. This 1.4 version also has been deployed as csip-weps/m/weps/2.0, which the Field to Market Fieldprint Calculator will use in the near future. This version does not support wind erosion simulation of farm fields in the Pacific Basin or Caribbean and boundary cases along coastlines and CONUS borders. Issues with organic and stratified soils causing failed simulations were resolved with the wepssoilinput service

Request Response
    "metainfo": {},
    "parameter": [
        "name": "management",
        "value": "<management description in LMOD JSON format>",
        "description": "management description in LMOD JSON format. This may have been edited."
        "name": "soil",
        "value": "<mukey>:<cokey>",
        "description": "composite soil key returned from CSIP soil service"

        "name": "field_boundary",
        "value": "polygon",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "FeatureCollection",
            "crs": {
                "type": "name",
                "properties": {
                    "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:7.9.8:4326"
            "features": [
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                    [ [-105.0863194297,	40.5628637136],
                    [-105.0791805703, 40.5628637136],
                    [-105.0791805703, 40.5556162864],
                    [-105.0863194297, 40.5556162864],
                    [-105.0863194297,	40.5628637136]
                    ] ]
                "properties": {
        "description": "geometry describing the field boundary. This is MULTIPOLYGON in GeoJSON format. (If a geometry is specified, the field_shape, field_width, field_length, field_orientation are calculated.)"
        "name": "field_shape",
        "value": "rectangle",
        "description": "shape class describing the field boundary. (This is an output if a field_boundary geometry is specified)"
        "name": "field_length",
        "value": 2640,
        "unit": "foot",
        "description": "length (average N-S extent) of the [unorientation] field. (This is an output if a field_boundary geometry is specified)"
        "name": "field_width",
        "value": 2000,
        "unit": "foot",
        "description": "width (average E-W extent) of the [unorientation] field. (This is an output if a field_boundary geometry is specified)"
        "name": "field_orientation",
        "value": 0,
        "unit": "degrees",
        "description": "orientation (rotation) of field from true north, [-45 .. +45]. (This is an output if a field_boundary geometry is specified)"

        "name": "latitude",
        "value": 40.55924,
        "description": "location of field center, WGS84. (This is an output if a field_boundary geometry is specified)"
        "name": "longitude",
        "value": -105.08275,
        "description": "location of field center, WGS84. (This is an output if a field geometry is specified)"
        "name": "elevation",
        "value": 5028,
        "unit": "ft"

        "name": "wind_barriers",
        "value": [
            "name": "wind_barrier",
            "value": {
                "lmod_file": {
                    "path": "wind-barriers",
                    "name": "Cross Wind Trap Strip",
                    "key": "9069238355272552897",
                    "type": "WIND_BARRIER",
                    "version": "1.1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "generator":"LMOD \/ CakePHP",
                    } ,
                    "params": {
                        "param": [{
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_HEIGHT",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "meter",
                            "data": [0.45]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_NUM_ROWS",
                            "type": "Int",
                            "data": [30]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_POROSITY",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "percent",
                            "data": [0.1]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_WIDTH",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "meter",
                            "data": [4.6]
            "geometry": {
                "type": "FeatureCollection",
                "crs": {
                    "type": "name",
                    "properties": {
                        "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:7.9.8:4326"
                "features": [
                    "type": "Feature",
                    "geometry": {
                        "type": "Line",
                        "coordinates": [
                        [ [-105.0863194297, 40.5628637136], [-105.0791805703, 40.5628637136] ]
                    "properties": {
                        "identifier": "resource_inventory_feature_id,C404478C-C7ED-46CF-B395-018F4A4E0D46"
            "properties": {
                "placement": "north"
            "description": "Wind barrier type for specific edge of field (edited LMOD file). The geometry is optional. If present it is used to determine the barrier placement. Placement values are in set {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'."
            "name": "wind_barrier",
            "value": {
                "lmod_file": {
                    "path": "wind-barriers",
                    "name": "Peren Grass Barrier 1 row",
                    "key": "8772329484430270268",
                    "type": "WIND_BARRIER",
                    "version": "1.1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "generator":"LMOD \/ CakePHP",
                    } ,
                    "params": {
                        "param": [{
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_HEIGHT",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "meter",
                            "data": [0.8]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_NUM_ROWS",
                            "type": "Int",
                            "data": [1]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_POROSITY",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "percent",
                            "data": [0.7]
                        }, {
                            "name": "WIND_BARRIER_WIDTH",
                            "type": "Flt",
                            "units": "meter",
                            "data": [0.5]
            "geometry": {
                "type": "FeatureCollection",
                "crs": {
                    "type": "name",
                    "properties": {
                        "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:7.9.8:4326"
                "features": [
                    "type": "Feature",
                    "geometry": {
                        "type": "Line",
                        "coordinates": [
                        [ [-105.0863194297, 40.5556162864], [-105.0791805703, 40.5556162864] ]
                    "properties": {
                        "identifier": "case_id,372CB3B3-E0FE-4960-A45B-17E19A95C947,practice_id,84F8931C-4881-426B-8D4F-084BF56B1AC2"
            "properties": {
                "placement": "south"
            "description": "Wind barrier type for specific edge of field (edited LMOD file). The geometry is optional. If present it is used to calculate the barrier placement."
            "name": "wind_barrier",
            "value": null,
            "geometry": {},
            "properties": {},
            "description": "Wind barrier type for specific edge of field (edited LMOD file). The geometry is optional. If present it is used to calculate the barrier placement."
            "name": "wind_barrier",
            "value": null,
            "geometry": {},
            "properties": {},
            "description": "Wind barrier type for specific edge of field (edited LMOD file). The geometry is optional. If present it is used to calculate the barrier placement."

        "name": "water_erosion_loss",
        "value": 5.0,
        "unit": "ton/acre/year",
        "description": "water erosion computed externally, entered as an input for use by SCI and other calculations"
        "name": "soil_rock_fragments",
        "value": 0,
        "unit": "percent",
        "description": "percent cover of surface due to rock fragments"

    "metainfo": {

    "parameter": [
        {    "comment": "... see ModelParameter response" }

    "result": [
            "name": "soil_conditioning_index",
            "value": 0.171,
            "description": "total SCI (soil conditioning index)"
            "name": "sci_om_factor",
            "value": -0.3817,
            "description": "SCI Organic Matter subfactor"
            "name": "sci_er_factor",
            "value": 0.9782,
            "description": "SCI Erosion Rate subfactor"
            "name": "sci_fo_factor",
            "value": 0.3195,
            "description": "SCI Field Operations subfactor"

            "name": "diesel_energy",
            "value": 35.358,
            "unit": "liter(Diesel)/hectare",
            "description": "energy used by management operations, expressed as fuel consumption equivalent"

            "name": "average_biomass",
            "value": 0.2391,
            "unit": "kilogram/meter^2",
            "description": "Average biomass"
            "name": "wind_eros",
            "value": 0.0124,
            "unit": "kilogram/meter^2/year",
            "description": "Wind erosion (computed by WEPS)"
            "name": "water_eros",
            "value": 0.0,
            "unit": "kilogram/meter^2/year",
            "description": "Water erosion (external input)"
            "name": "avg_all_stir",
            "value": 68.7258,
            "description": "Average STIR"

Files to attach:
Files to fetch:

Comments & Attachments (7)
SCM Commits
History (9)
All (9)

Submitted Comment
Jan 12 2016 11:03
- removed unused parameters "database", "resolve_location". - added parameter "field_boundary" which contains GeoJSON geometry. - added parameter "wind_barriers" which contains GeoJSON geometry in addition to LMOD JSON file content for wind barrier descriptions.
Jan 12 2016 11:03
- removed "database" field. This is unused at the moment, but may be added back at a later time.
Jan 12 2016 11:03
- minor JSON fixes - restored deleted Response section
Jan 12 2016 11:03
Example WEPS call with NO barriers specified, synchronous call
V1_2CReqNoBarriers.json 23.9 KB
Jan 12 2016 11:03
Example WEPS call with No Barriers made asynchronously.

To Receive results back from this call, use the "suid" value returned by the initial call and make a call to the "Queue" service to obtain results.

Example http get for results looks like:

Where "2f314a49-ebdb-11e1-9e6f-b72359179fa7" is the suid value of the asynchronous call.

V1_2ReqNoBarriersAsync.json 23.9 KB
Jan 12 2016 11:03
Example WEPS call with barriers specified, synchronous call
V1_2CReqWBarriersPhacil.json 28.6 KB
Jan 12 2016 11:03
Example WEPS call with Barriers made asynchronously.

In order to receive results back from this call, use the "suid" value returned by the initial call and make a call to the "Queue" service to obtain results.

Example http get for results looks like:

Where "6c5c1f94-ebda-11e1-9e6f-b72359179fa7" is the suid value.

V1_2ReqWBarriersAsync.json 28.6 KB