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CSIP-CRP: New crpAssessment/1.0 Service#61719/HEAD / v4
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CSIP-CRP: New crpAssessment/1.0 Service[CRQ-61719]

Tracker: Requests Priority: HighestHighest Status: Closed
Assigned to:
casespOct 23 2019 16:07
Submitted by: JRCarlsonOct 23 2019 16:07 Modified by: casespApr 21 2021 13:04 Severity:
Closed at: Apr 21 2021 13:04 Service Context:

This service consumes a JSON request containing a request identifier and CRP Offer geometry and returns sheet/rill water and wind erosion rates for a fallow management for up to the three most dominant soil components in a CRP Offer area, plus a weighted average for each erosion rate.

Request/Response JSON

Example of each attached.

CSIP Services Called by crpAssessment

wwesoilparams/2.0, wepp/3.1, weps/5.2

Data Sources Accessed by crpAssessment

CRP rotation object(s), how stored TBD

Data Stores Written To by crpAssessment

CRP_Results table, database and table columns TBD

Service Processes

  1. Consume crpAssessment request JSON
  2. Compute centroid of CRP Offer geometry from request JSON
  3. Compute representative WEPS region length, width, and orientation from CRP Offer geometry
  4. Populate request JSON with CRP Offer geometry and call wwesoilparams service
  5. Process wwesoilparams response JSON
    1. Fetch cokey and acres of dominant soil component
    2. If no other valid compoent, exit, else fetch cokey and acres of 2nd-most dominant component
    3. If no other valid component exit, else fetch cokey and acres of 3rd-most dominant component
  6. Fetch CRP fallow rotation object
    1. Note: Eventually there may be several rotation objects, but initially one. These rotation objects probably should be in a CRdb or maybe CRLMDO table (TBD).
    2. Initially, the same fallow rotation object will be used for all CRP erosion assessments
  7. Populate request JSON with CRP Offer geometry and call (new) DEMsteepness service, which returns a representative slope steepness.
  8. For each cokey
    1. Populate wepp service request JSON
      1. Set climateDataVersion to 2015
      2. Set usePRISM to true
      3. Set latitude parameter to CRP Offer centroid latitude coordinate
      4. Set longitude parameter to CRP Offer centroid longitude coordinate
      5. Set aspect parameter to 180
      6. Set width parameter to 50
      7. Set steepness parameter to DEMsteepness result
      8. Set length parameter to steepness-based LightleWeesie length
      9. Set slope_type to uniform
      10. Set soilPtr parameter to cokey
      11. Set contour parameter to none
      12. Set crlmod parameter to CRP fallow rotation object
    2. Call and post request JSON to wepp/3.1 model service
    3. Populate weps service request JSON
      1. Set crlmod parameter to CRP fallow rotation object
      2. Set crop_calibration_mode parameter to false
      3. Set soil parameter to cokey
      4. Set field shape to rectangle
      5. Set field_length to result from WEPS Region process above
      6. Set field_width to result from WEPS Region process above
      7. Set field radius to 0
      8. Set field_orientation to result from WEPS Region process above
      9. Set latitude parameter to CRP Offer centroid latitude coordinate
      10. Set longitude parameter to CRP Offer centroid longitude coordinate
      11. Set elevation parameter to 0
      12. Set wind_barriers four wind_barrier sub-parameters to null
      13. Set water_erosion_loss parameter to 0
      14. Set soil_rock_fragments to 0
    4. Call and post request JSON to weps/5.2 service
  9. Process wepp/3.1 response JSON(s)
    1. Compute weighted average water erosion rate
    2. If weighted average erosion rate > 100, set it to 100.
  10. Process weps/5.2 response JSON(s)
    1. Compute weighted average wind erosion rate
    2. If weighted average erosion rate > 100, set it to 100.
  11. Populate crpAssessment response JSON
    1. See sample response JSON
  12. Update CRP_Results table
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Submitted Comment
Apr 21 2021 13:04
Could be a duplicate tracker...these services were implemented in csip-crp and used for surrogate modeling needs.
Oct 23 2019 16:11
crpAssessment request and response JSON
20190925 crpAssessment web service draft request JSON.txt 762 B
20190925 crpAssessment web service draft response JSON.txt 5 KB