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csip-misc: Create a new service to allow quick validation and correction for input geometries for clients#48707/v1
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csip-misc: Create a new service to allow quick validation and correction for input geometries for clients[CRQ-48707]

Tracker: Requests Priority: HighHigh Status: New
Release: Assigned to:
casespNov 30 2018 11:36
Submitted by: casespNov 30 2018 11:36 Modified by: casespNov 30 2018 11:36 Severity:
This service takes geoJSON input and runs several validity checks against it, and also corrects the geoJSON geometry, if possible and non-valid, and returns the test results, as well as, if needed, a corrected geometry in WKT format.

The validity checks run are:

geoJSON parsing: Is the geoJSON valid geoJSON? If not a parsing exception will be thrown with an error message.

geoTools, OGC validity of geometries and geographies.

Microsoft SQL Server validity checks for the input shape as a Geometry and as a Geography to verify it will function properly in SQL Server GIS operations. [Note: For SOILS services, which utilize the USDA SDM database, all geographies stored therein are stored as geometries and indexed thusly. Consequently, all input geoJSON used by CSIP services must be able to be validated as a SQL Server Geometry as well as a Geography.]

Additional checks:

Notifies the user of the point rotation method used for any geometries, ESRI or non-ESRI rotation. (If the geometries are invalid, the corrected geometry will be set to be non-ESRI, i.e. OGC compliant, rotations.)

Please see the below tabs for an example input and its associated output:

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New Nov 30 2018 11:36
Submit by casesp
Submitted Action Version
Nov 30 2018 11:36
Submit 1
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