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WWE Soil Params#45126/HEAD / v3
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WWE Soil Params[SERVICE-45126]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Deployed
Submitted by: LyaegeJun 22 2018 16:40 Modified by: LyaegeJun 22 2018 16:41 Type:
Path: d/wwesoilparams/1.1 Context: csip-soils Version: 1.1
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --
Service Description

  "metainfo": {},
  "parameter": [{
    "name": "aoa_geometry",
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [[
    "metainfo": {
        "status": "Finished",
        "suid": "3a00e4e5-766d-11e8-913a-f1c0fce88a38",
        "cloud_node": "",
        "request_ip": "",
        "service_url": "",
        "csip-soils.version": "$version 2.11.2-2.2.15 3a9eda330873 2018-05-03 Shaun Case, built at 2018-05-03 by jenkins$",
        "csip.version": "$version: 2.2.15 df7e0a422edd 2018-03-29 lyaege, built at 2018-05-29 11:10 by jenkins$",
        "tstamp": "2018-06-22 16:40:13",
        "cpu_time": 6555,
        "expiration_date": "2018-06-22 16:40:49"
    "parameter": [
            "name": "aoa_geometry",
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
    "result": [
            "name": "AoA Area",
            "value": "176.297",
            "description": "acres"
            "name": "Map Units",
            "value": [
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568107",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Alligator clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "4",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "13.299",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515358",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Alligator",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "90.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "86.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "1.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "6.79",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "11.969",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "200.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.24",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "11.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "2.50",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962170",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89192163",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756443",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962170",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89192163",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756443",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568108",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Alligator clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "5",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "8.628",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515384",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Alligator",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "90.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "86.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "2.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "4.40",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "7.765",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "300.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.24",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "11.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "2.50",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962219",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89193201",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759266",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962219",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89193201",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759266",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568109",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Alligator clay, depressional",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "6",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "4.477",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515334",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Alligator",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "95.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "86.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "1.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "2.41",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "4.253",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "200.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.24",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "11.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "2.50",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962132",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89196153",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759446",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962132",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.24",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "11.00",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.50",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89196153",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "C",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Clay",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759446",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Clay",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568111",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Dubbs loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "17",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "29.648",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515275",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Dubbs",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "95.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "56.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "2.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "15.98",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "28.166",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "300.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.49",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "44.10",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "1.25",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962051",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.49",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.49",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "44.10",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "1.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89190915",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "L",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756702",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962051",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "18.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.49",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.49",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "44.10",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "1.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89190915",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "L",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756702",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568122",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Tensas silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "27",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "84.712",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515393",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Tensas",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "85.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "48.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "1.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "40.84",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "72.005",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "200.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.37",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "19.20",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "2.25",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962245",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "19.20",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89196177",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "SICL",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759287",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962245",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "19.20",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.16",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89196177",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "SICL",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90759287",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                        "name": "mukey",
                        "value": "568123",
                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table"
                        "name": "muname",
                        "value": "Tensas silty clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes",
                        "description": "Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)"
                        "name": "musym",
                        "value": "28",
                        "description": "The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey"
                        "name": "areasymbol",
                        "value": "MS083",
                        "description": "A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)"
                        "name": "area",
                        "value": "35.532",
                        "unit": "Acres",
                        "description": "Map unit intersection area with the AoI"
                        "name": "Components",
                        "value": [
                                    "name": "cokey",
                                    "value": "15515258",
                                    "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table"
                                    "name": "compname",
                                    "value": "Tensas",
                                    "description": "Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties"
                                    "name": "comppct_r",
                                    "value": "85.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit"
                                    "name": "tfact",
                                    "value": "5.00",
                                    "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
                                    "name": "wei",
                                    "value": "48.00",
                                    "unit": "tons/acre/year",
                                    "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
                                    "name": "slope_r",
                                    "value": "2.00",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Slope RV: The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)"
                                    "name": "area_pct",
                                    "value": "17.13",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "The percentage of the component of the mapunit intersection with the AoI"
                                    "name": "area",
                                    "value": "30.202",
                                    "unit": "Acres",
                                    "description": "Soil Component Area (Acres) in the Area of Analysis"
                                    "name": "length_r",
                                    "value": "300.00",
                                    "unit": "feet",
                                    "description": "Calculated slope length"
                                    "name": "kffact",
                                    "value": "0.37",
                                    "description": "K factor of the Surface Mineral Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                    "value": "19.20",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction."
                                    "name": "om_r",
                                    "value": "2.25",
                                    "unit": "Percent",
                                    "description": "Organic Matter Percentage of the selected Horizon of the Soil Component"
                                    "name": "water horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962029",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "19.20",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89191725",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "SICL",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756809",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
                                    "name": "wind horizons",
                                    "value": [
                                                "name": "chkey",
                                                "value": "44962029",
                                                "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table"
                                                "name": "hzdepb_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzdept_r",
                                                "value": "0.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon"
                                                "name": "hzthk_r",
                                                "value": "28.00",
                                                "unit": "Centimeters",
                                                "description": "RV A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent"
                                                "name": "kffact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
                                                "name": "kwfact",
                                                "value": "0.37",
                                                "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments"
                                                "name": "sandtotal_r",
                                                "value": "19.20",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction"
                                                "name": "om_r",
                                                "value": "2.25",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "RV The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material"
                                                "name": "fragvol_r",
                                                "value": "NULL",
                                                "unit": "Percent",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base."
                                                "name": "lsfact",
                                                "value": "0.28",
                                                "description": "Calculated for this horizon:  Based on slopelenusle_r or Lightle-Weesie Slope Length and slope_r"
                                                "name": "texture_groups",
                                                "value": [
                                                            "name": "chtgkey",
                                                            "value": "89191725",
                                                            "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table"
                                                            "name": "texture",
                                                            "value": "SICL",
                                                            "description": "Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS"
                                                            "name": "texdesc",
                                                            "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                            "description": "The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations."
                                                            "name": "rvindicator",
                                                            "value": "true",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A yes/no field that indicates if a value or row (set of values) is representative for the component"
                                                            "name": "stratextsflag",
                                                            "value": "false",
                                                            "unit": "Boolean",
                                                            "description": "A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified"
                                                            "name": "textures",
                                                            "value": [
                                                                        "name": "chtkey",
                                                                        "value": "90756809",
                                                                        "description": "A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table"
                                                                        "name": "lieutex",
                                                                        "value": "NULL",
                                                                        "description": "Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason"
                                                                        "name": "texcl",
                                                                        "value": "Silty clay loam",
                                                                        "description": "An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil"
            "name": "Excluded_Soil_Components",
            "value": []
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Deployed Jun 22 2018 16:40
Submit by Lyaege
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Jun 22 2018 16:41
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Jun 22 2018 16:40
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