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CR_LMOD Managements#39063/v1
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CR_LMOD Managements[SERVICE-39063]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Deployed
Submitted by: LyaegeJan 08 2018 15:30 Modified by: LyaegeJan 08 2018 15:30 Type:
Path: d/management/1.0 Context: csip-crlmod Version: 1.0
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Conservation Resources Land Management Operations Database (CR_LMOD) service for retrieving management data from of CR_LMOD.


|Request |Response


 "metainfo": {\\
 "parameter": ~[\\
 "name": "id",\\
 "description": "Array containing bigInt identifiers for the objects requested.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "name",\\
 "description": "Array containting strings that exactly match a records name, path excluded.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "keywords",\\
 "description": "Space delimited string containing keywords that match some part of a record's name. Exclusions can be expressed by putting a minus sign before the term e.g. -corn",\\
 "value": ""\\
 "name": "path",\\
 "description": "Array containing strings that exactly match a record's path.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "partial_path",\\
 "description": "Array containing keywords that match some part of a record's path",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "cmz",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I only want the names of the returned objects, no metadata or model data.",\\
 "value": "01"\\
 "name": "stir_min",\\
 "description": "minimum STIR value for returned managements.",\\
 "value": "3"\\
 "name": "stir_max",\\
 "description": "maximum STIR value for returned managements.",\\
 "value": "80"\\
 "name": "limit",\\
 "description": "Maximum number of records to be returned.",\\
 "value": "2"\\
 "name": "offset",\\
 "description": "Number of records to skip before returning the first",\\
 "value": "0"\\
 "name": "names_only",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I only want the names of the returned objects, no metadata or model data.",\\
 "value": "false"\\
 "name": "native_formats",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I want the native model formats in the return json, not just names and metadata.",\\
 "value": "true"\\

 "metainfo": {\\
 "status": "Finished",\\
 "suid": "28fa4630-f4c3-11e7-bfa5-f5c910304346",\\
 "cloud_node": "",\\
 "request_ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",\\
 "service_url": "http://localhost:8084/csip-crlmod/d/management/1.0",\\
 "csip.version": "$version: 2.2.4 3c276d66bde6 2017-12-15 od, built at 2018-01-08 15:27 by Lucas Yaege$",\\
 "tstamp": "2018-01-08 15:27:50",\\
 "cpu_time": 3656,\\
 "expiration_date": "2018-01-08 15:28:13"\\
 "parameter": ~[\\
 "name": "id",\\
 "description": "Array containing bigInt identifiers for the objects requested.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "name",\\
 "description": "Array containting strings that exactly match a records name, path excluded.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "keywords",\\
 "description": "Space delimited string containing keywords that match some part of a record's name. Exclusions can be expressed by putting a minus sign before the term e.g. -corn",\\
 "value": ""\\
 "name": "path",\\
 "description": "Array containing strings that exactly match a record's path.",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "partial_path",\\
 "description": "Array containing keywords that match some part of a record's path",\\
 "value": ~[~]\\
 "name": "cmz",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I only want the names of the returned objects, no metadata or model data.",\\
 "value": "01"\\
 "name": "stir_min",\\
 "description": "minimum STIR value for returned managements.",\\
 "value": "3"\\
 "name": "stir_max",\\
 "description": "maximum STIR value for returned managements.",\\
 "value": "80"\\
 "name": "limit",\\
 "description": "Maximum number of records to be returned.",\\
 "value": "2"\\
 "name": "offset",\\
 "description": "Number of records to skip before returning the first",\\
 "value": "0"\\
 "name": "names_only",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I only want the names of the returned objects, no metadata or model data.",\\
 "value": "false"\\
 "name": "native_formats",\\
 "description": "True/False to this statement - I want the native model formats in the return json, not just names and metadata.",\\
 "value": "true"\\
 "result": ~[\\
 "name": "crlmod",\\
 "value": {\\
 "rotations": ~[\\
 "managements": ~[\\
 "id": 26970,\\
 "path": "CMZ 01\\a.Single Year Single Crop Templates\\Alfalfa and Brome late summer seed\\1 year alfalfa and brome",\\
 "name": "Alfalfa and Brome Late Summer Direct 1x, FC, st pt, disk, z1",\\
 "events": ~[\\
 "date": "2001-08-10",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20377,\\
 "name": "Chisel, st. pt",\\
 "opGroup1": "Tillage, subsoil, chisel, plow",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 45.5,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2001-08-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20291,\\
 "name": "Disk, tandem light finishing",\\
 "opGroup1": "Tillage, cultivator, disk",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 19.5,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2001-08-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20202,\\
 "name": "Drill or air seeder, double disk",\\
 "opGroup1": "Seeding, drill, other",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 6.34,\\
 "begin_growth": true,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "crop": {\\
 "id": 253,\\
 "name": "Alfalfa-Grass, warm season, hay",\\
 "defaultYield": 4,\\
 "yieldUnit": "ton/ac",\\
 "cropGroup1": ""\\
 "date": "2002-06-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-06-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20011,\\
 "name": "Fert applic. surface broadcast",\\
 "opGroup1": "Application, agchem, nutrient",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.06,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-07-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-07-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20042,\\
 "name": "Sprayer, post emerge, insecticide",\\
 "opGroup1": "Application, agchem, nutrient",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-09-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "wepsData": "Version: 1.5\r\n*START 0\r\nN Management translated from crLMOD on 2018-01-08\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/06/01\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/06/01\r\nO 04 Fert applic. surface broadcast\r\n+ 1.4966278 0.0609375\r\nT Broadcast fertilizer spreader applicator.Slight residue flattening due to wheel traffic only.\r\nt R2 Notes: Broadcast fertilizer spreader. Wheel traffic only. rev 082107 DTLAdded to DB 4-12-12 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 0.0 0 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 8.8900175\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 4.3 2.0\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 1.0\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.07\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\r\n+ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/07/01\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/07/01\r\nO 04 Sprayer, post emerge, insecticide\r\n+ 1.2160101 0.15\r\nT Sprayer operation, general use, in season, pesticide application on growing crops.Crop is not killed.\r\nt Spray pest control chemicals on growing crop. Crop is not killed. 11/17/01 DTLAdded to the DB. This assumes no crop flattening. 4-5-12 MASLMOD and WEPS DB correlation, existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jp\r\n+\r\n#------------\r\nD 10/08/01\r\nO 03 Chisel, st. pt\r\n+ 9.353924 45.5 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773\r\nT Edit process order and correlate standard operation parameters with WEPS and RUSLE2, 151104 JKPLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record,adjusted name, 160410 jkp\r\nt Edit process order and correlate standard operation parameters with WEPS and RUSLE2, 151104 JKPLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record,adjusted name, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 177.80035 0.75 1.0 177.80035 101.600204 203.20041\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 38.100075\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 76.20015 381.00076 101.600204 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 2.4 -2.0\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.85\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.37\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 2\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.1 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.76 0.68 0.58 0.5 0.9\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.2 0.05\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/08/01\r\nO 03 Disk, tandem light finishing\r\n+ 3.7415698 19.5 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.3410819 2.6821637\r\nT 6/8/01 DTL RUSLE. 7in sp. This is tool used to finish a seedbed. MAS 10-26-06LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\nt 6/8/01 DTL RUSLE. 7in sp. This is tool used to finish a seedbed. MAS 10-26-06LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 101.600204 0.65 1.0 101.600204 76.20015 127.00026\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 15.240031\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 12.700026 177.80035 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 2.8 0.75\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.75\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.35\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 2\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.85 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.73 0.63 0.55 0.4 0.73\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.02\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/08/01\r\nO 03 Drill or air seeder, double disk\r\n+ 3.3674128 6.34 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773\r\nT Drill or air seeder with double disk openers on 7 to 10 inch spacings. Rev102403 DTL RUSLE MAS 10-26-06G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 andthe RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0. This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the less than 1.0 area affected. 8/8/07 MASDeleted the G2 process because all process only affect 0.65 of the surface. This is set a 0.65 with G1 process in the beginning. 5-11-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\nt Drill or air seeder with double disk openers on 7 to 10 inch spacings. Rev102403 DTL RUSLE MAS 10-26-06G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 andthe RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0. This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the less than 1.0 area affected. 8/8/07 MASDeleted the G2 process because all process only affect 0.65 of the surface. This is set a 0.65 with G1 process in the beginning. 5-11-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 38.100075 0.4 0.65 38.100075 25.400051 50.800102\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 7.6200156\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 25.400051 203.20041 25.400051 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 2.8 0.75\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.6\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.3\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.6 0.4 0.35 0.15 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.2275 0.1625 0.13 0.065 0.13\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01\r\nG 03 Crop Name\r\n+ no crop\r\nP 51 Seeding Configuration\r\n+ 1 0.0 0\r\n+ 688.0 1.0 0 -1.0 1 1.0 2\r\n+ ton/ac\r\n+ 15.0 4.465 3 1.0 0.69 0.9\r\n+ 1.0 0.01 2.0 3.0 30.0 1 120 1800.0\r\n+ -5.0 -9.444445 0.01 0.95 0.0 24\r\n+ 0.023 0.55 0.63 -0.061 -0.024 0.9911 0.6435 0.0494\r\n+ 0.5 -0.09 0.16108 0.5981 30 0.05 0 0.3\r\n+ 17.009697 110.0 0.6 0.013 0.2 0.2 0.1 2\r\n+ 0.0536 0.0536 0.0536 0.0536 0.2 0.0020 20.0 5.227942\r\n+ -1.20379 0.604887 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nT This record was cloned from the Alfalfa, hay record. It is an irrigated record calibrated in Grant Co. WA.It may not grow right on low rainfall dryland conditions. Use the dryland Alfalfa record if you have trouble.MAS 11-17-08Size rangesJ.J. rquez-Ortiz, J.F.S. Lamb, L.D. Johnson, D.K. Barnes and R.E. Stucker, 1999, Heritability of crown traits in alfalfa, Crop Science, Vol 39, Issue 1 pgs. 38-43Crown Depth (distance from the soil level to the top of the tap root) - 0.5cm to 5cmCrown width (just below the soil surface) - 2cm to 12cm or greaterNumber of crown stems - 2 to 10 or moreCrown stem width - 2mm to 6mm or greaterNumber of crown buds - none to 12 or moreD.K. Barnes, R.B. Pearce, G.E. Carlson, R.H. Hart, and C.H. Hanson. 1969. SPecific Leaf Weight Differences in Alfalfa Associated with Variety andPlant Age. Crop Science, Vol 9, pgs. 421-423.Values of Specific leaf weight measured in the paper varied from 2.15 to 4.3, with early season growth mostly in the area of 2.15 to 2.72 mg/cm^2Conversion to m^2/kg is * 10^6 mg/kg * 10^-4 m^2/cm^2 = 100 / mg/cm^22.15 mg/cm^2 = 100 / 2.15 m^2/kg = 46.5 m^2/kg, 100 / 2.72 = 36.8, 100 / 4.3 = 23.3M. H. Hall, C. J. Nelson, J. H. Coutts and R. C. Stout. 2004. Effect of Seeding Rate on Alfalfa Stand Longevity. Agron. J. 96:717-722Stem densities for the MO94 study (data not presented) were not different among seeding rates at any sampling time. There were 623 stems m–2 13 MAPand only 350 stems m–2 by 25 MAP. Stem density remained nearly constant at that level through 49 MAP. During the same time period, plant densitydeclined from an average of 100 down to 25 plants m–2. This means that there was a fourfold increase in stems per plant from 25 to 49 MAP duringthe same time period. Thereafter, stem density continued to decline to 290 and 260 stems m–2 at 63 and 73 MAP, respectively, while plant density fellbelow 15 plants m–2 during the same time period. Crowns develop stems in response to light (Cowett and Sprague, 1962) and apparently could notcontinue to maintain high stem density with the thin stand and older as shown above.MAP = months after plantingSPM2 = stems per square meterPPM2 = plants per square meterSPP = stems per plantMAPSPM2PPM2 SPP1362310062.325350369.7493502514632901618732601320With the critical period of alfalfa being establishment, a stem count, equals plant count of 400 stems per square meter is used to try and get early cover.Fick, G.W., D.A. Holt, D.G. Lugg. 1988. Environmental Physiology and Crop Growth. in A.A. Hanson, D.K. Barnes, R.R. Hill , Jr., eds. 1988 Alfalfa and AlfalfaImprovement. Agronomy Monograph Number 29. American Society of 181. Growth temperatures: GDD base from 0 to 5 C, varies depending on time of year. GDD totals 0 C base, 700 to bud, 880 to first flower,1075 to full bloom, 1900 to ripe seed stages. Suggests a GDD max temperature around 30 CChanged the cover to mass value to match Fosters finest stem curve, Small Grain and Alfalfa. Reference pg. 179 Ag Handbook 703.No crop has a larger number (finer stems) than .000586. This matches RUSLE2. MAS 12-21-10The biomass adjustment factor has been set to 1.0 from the 0.6 that Fred had. The biomass conversion eff factor was moved from 30 to 24 to match yieldof the standard alfalfa run in Moses Lake, WA and now in Yuma, AZ. The record runs a little under the 6 ton/ac yield in ML, and somewhat over the 10 t/ac forYuma. The seed weight was increased from 0.00007 to 0.0006 to increase the intial growth of the fall planting.There is about 1500 lbs of growth going intowinter in WA and about 2400 lbs/ac at the first harvest in AZ. Yuma will need to lower the Biomass Adjustment factor to 0.8 to get the 12 t/ac yield needed.MAS 7-6-11\r\nt Enter dev notes here.\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/09/02\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\n*END\r\n*EOF\r\n"\\
 "duration": 0,\\
 "length": 0\\
 "managements": ~[\\
 "id": 26971,\\
 "path": "CMZ 01\\a.Single Year Single Crop Templates\\Alfalfa and Brome late summer seed\\1 year alfalfa and brome",\\
 "name": "Alfalfa and Brome Late Summer Direct 1x, FC, st pt, fcult, z1",\\
 "events": ~[\\
 "date": "2001-08-10",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20377,\\
 "name": "Chisel, st. pt",\\
 "opGroup1": "Tillage, subsoil, chisel, plow",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 45.5,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2001-08-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20277,\\
 "name": "Cultivator, field 6-12 in sweeps",\\
 "opGroup1": "Tillage, cultivator, disk",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 26,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2001-08-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20202,\\
 "name": "Drill or air seeder, double disk",\\
 "opGroup1": "Seeding, drill, other",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 6.34,\\
 "begin_growth": true,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "crop": {\\
 "id": 253,\\
 "name": "Alfalfa-Grass, warm season, hay",\\
 "defaultYield": 4,\\
 "yieldUnit": "ton/ac",\\
 "cropGroup1": ""\\
 "date": "2002-06-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-06-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20011,\\
 "name": "Fert applic. surface broadcast",\\
 "opGroup1": "Application, agchem, nutrient",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.06,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-07-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-07-15",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20042,\\
 "name": "Sprayer, post emerge, insecticide",\\
 "opGroup1": "Application, agchem, nutrient",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": false,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "date": "2002-09-01",\\
 "operation": {\\
 "id": 20102,\\
 "name": "Harvest, hay, grass or legume",\\
 "opGroup1": "Harvest, biomass, residue",\\
 "opGroup2": "",\\
 "opGroup3": "",\\
 "opGroup4": "",\\
 "opGroup5": "",\\
 "stir": 0.15,\\
 "begin_growth": false,\\
 "kill_crop": true,\\
 "add_residue": false\\
 "wepsData": "Version: 1.5\r\n*START 0\r\nN Management translated from crLMOD on 2018-01-08\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/06/01\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/06/01\r\nO 04 Fert applic. surface broadcast\r\n+ 1.4966278 0.0609375\r\nT Broadcast fertilizer spreader applicator.Slight residue flattening due to wheel traffic only.\r\nt R2 Notes: Broadcast fertilizer spreader. Wheel traffic only. rev 082107 DTLAdded to DB 4-12-12 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 0.0 0 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 8.8900175\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 4.3 2.0\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 1.0\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.07\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\r\n+ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/07/01\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/07/01\r\nO 04 Sprayer, post emerge, insecticide\r\n+ 1.2160101 0.15\r\nT Sprayer operation, general use, in season, pesticide application on growing crops.Crop is not killed.\r\nt Spray pest control chemicals on growing crop. Crop is not killed. 11/17/01 DTLAdded to the DB. This assumes no crop flattening. 4-5-12 MASLMOD and WEPS DB correlation, existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jp\r\n+\r\n#------------\r\nD 10/08/01\r\nO 03 Chisel, st. pt\r\n+ 9.353924 45.5 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773\r\nT Edit process order and correlate standard operation parameters with WEPS and RUSLE2, 151104 JKPLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record,adjusted name, 160410 jkp\r\nt Edit process order and correlate standard operation parameters with WEPS and RUSLE2, 151104 JKPLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record,adjusted name, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 177.80035 0.75 1.0 177.80035 101.600204 203.20041\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 38.100075\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 76.20015 381.00076 101.600204 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 2.4 -2.0\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.85\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.37\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 2\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.1 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.76 0.68 0.58 0.5 0.9\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.2 0.05\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/08/01\r\nO 03 Cultivator, field 6-12 in sweeps\r\n+ 6.921904 26 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773\r\nT Corrected Speed of operation numbers 11-1-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\nt Corrected Speed of operation numbers 11-1-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 101.600204 0.4 1.0 101.600204 50.800102 152.4003\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 15.240031\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 50.800102 228.60045 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 3.0 1.0\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.65\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.3\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 2\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.2 0.85\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.2 0.05\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\n#------------\r\nD 15/08/01\r\nO 03 Drill or air seeder, double disk\r\n+ 3.3674128 6.34 2.2351363 0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773\r\nT Drill or air seeder with double disk openers on 7 to 10 inch spacings. Rev102403 DTL RUSLE MAS 10-26-06G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 andthe RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0. This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the less than 1.0 area affected. 8/8/07 MASDeleted the G2 process because all process only affect 0.65 of the surface. This is set a 0.65 with G1 process in the beginning. 5-11-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\nt Drill or air seeder with double disk openers on 7 to 10 inch spacings. Rev102403 DTL RUSLE MAS 10-26-06G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 andthe RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0. This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the less than 1.0 area affected. 8/8/07 MASDeleted the G2 process because all process only affect 0.65 of the surface. This is set a 0.65 with G1 process in the beginning. 5-11-11 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 01 Tillage\r\n+ 38.100075 0.4 0.65 38.100075 25.400051 50.800102\r\nP 01 Break Crust\r\nP 02 Random Roughness\r\n+ 1 7.6200156\r\nP 05 Ridges and Dikes\r\n+ 1 25.400051 203.20041 25.400051 0.0 0.0\r\nP 11 Aggregate Crushing\r\n+ 2.8 0.75\r\nP 12 Soil Loosening\r\n+ 0.6\r\nP 13 Soil Layer Mixing\r\n+ 0.3\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0\r\n+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 0 0.6 0.4 0.35 0.15 1.0\r\nP 25 Bury Flat Biomass\r\n+ 1 0.2275 0.1625 0.13 0.065 0.13\r\nP 26 Resurface Buried Biomass\r\n+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01\r\nG 03 Crop Name\r\n+ no crop\r\nP 51 Seeding Configuration\r\n+ 1 0.0 0\r\n+ 688.0 1.0 0 -1.0 1 1.0 2\r\n+ ton/ac\r\n+ 15.0 4.465 3 1.0 0.69 0.9\r\n+ 1.0 0.01 2.0 3.0 30.0 1 120 1800.0\r\n+ -5.0 -9.444445 0.01 0.95 0.0 24\r\n+ 0.023 0.55 0.63 -0.061 -0.024 0.9911 0.6435 0.0494\r\n+ 0.5 -0.09 0.16108 0.5981 30 0.05 0 0.3\r\n+ 17.009697 110.0 0.6 0.013 0.2 0.2 0.1 2\r\n+ 0.0536 0.0536 0.0536 0.0536 0.2 0.0020 20.0 5.227942\r\n+ -1.20379 0.604887 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\r\nT This record was cloned from the Alfalfa, hay record. It is an irrigated record calibrated in Grant Co. WA.It may not grow right on low rainfall dryland conditions. Use the dryland Alfalfa record if you have trouble.MAS 11-17-08Size rangesJ.J. rquez-Ortiz, J.F.S. Lamb, L.D. Johnson, D.K. Barnes and R.E. Stucker, 1999, Heritability of crown traits in alfalfa, Crop Science, Vol 39, Issue 1 pgs. 38-43Crown Depth (distance from the soil level to the top of the tap root) - 0.5cm to 5cmCrown width (just below the soil surface) - 2cm to 12cm or greaterNumber of crown stems - 2 to 10 or moreCrown stem width - 2mm to 6mm or greaterNumber of crown buds - none to 12 or moreD.K. Barnes, R.B. Pearce, G.E. Carlson, R.H. Hart, and C.H. Hanson. 1969. SPecific Leaf Weight Differences in Alfalfa Associated with Variety andPlant Age. Crop Science, Vol 9, pgs. 421-423.Values of Specific leaf weight measured in the paper varied from 2.15 to 4.3, with early season growth mostly in the area of 2.15 to 2.72 mg/cm^2Conversion to m^2/kg is * 10^6 mg/kg * 10^-4 m^2/cm^2 = 100 / mg/cm^22.15 mg/cm^2 = 100 / 2.15 m^2/kg = 46.5 m^2/kg, 100 / 2.72 = 36.8, 100 / 4.3 = 23.3M. H. Hall, C. J. Nelson, J. H. Coutts and R. C. Stout. 2004. Effect of Seeding Rate on Alfalfa Stand Longevity. Agron. J. 96:717-722Stem densities for the MO94 study (data not presented) were not different among seeding rates at any sampling time. There were 623 stems m–2 13 MAPand only 350 stems m–2 by 25 MAP. Stem density remained nearly constant at that level through 49 MAP. During the same time period, plant densitydeclined from an average of 100 down to 25 plants m–2. This means that there was a fourfold increase in stems per plant from 25 to 49 MAP duringthe same time period. Thereafter, stem density continued to decline to 290 and 260 stems m–2 at 63 and 73 MAP, respectively, while plant density fellbelow 15 plants m–2 during the same time period. Crowns develop stems in response to light (Cowett and Sprague, 1962) and apparently could notcontinue to maintain high stem density with the thin stand and older as shown above.MAP = months after plantingSPM2 = stems per square meterPPM2 = plants per square meterSPP = stems per plantMAPSPM2PPM2 SPP1362310062.325350369.7493502514632901618732601320With the critical period of alfalfa being establishment, a stem count, equals plant count of 400 stems per square meter is used to try and get early cover.Fick, G.W., D.A. Holt, D.G. Lugg. 1988. Environmental Physiology and Crop Growth. in A.A. Hanson, D.K. Barnes, R.R. Hill , Jr., eds. 1988 Alfalfa and AlfalfaImprovement. Agronomy Monograph Number 29. American Society of 181. Growth temperatures: GDD base from 0 to 5 C, varies depending on time of year. GDD totals 0 C base, 700 to bud, 880 to first flower,1075 to full bloom, 1900 to ripe seed stages. Suggests a GDD max temperature around 30 CChanged the cover to mass value to match Fosters finest stem curve, Small Grain and Alfalfa. Reference pg. 179 Ag Handbook 703.No crop has a larger number (finer stems) than .000586. This matches RUSLE2. MAS 12-21-10The biomass adjustment factor has been set to 1.0 from the 0.6 that Fred had. The biomass conversion eff factor was moved from 30 to 24 to match yieldof the standard alfalfa run in Moses Lake, WA and now in Yuma, AZ. The record runs a little under the 6 ton/ac yield in ML, and somewhat over the 10 t/ac forYuma. The seed weight was increased from 0.00007 to 0.0006 to increase the intial growth of the fall planting.There is about 1500 lbs of growth going intowinter in WA and about 2400 lbs/ac at the first harvest in AZ. Yuma will need to lower the Biomass Adjustment factor to 0.8 to get the 12 t/ac yield needed.MAS 7-6-11\r\nt Enter dev notes here.\r\n#------------\r\nD 01/09/02\r\nO 04 Harvest, hay, grass or legume\r\n+ 17.959534 .15\r\nT Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\nt Harvest legume hay crops such as Alfalfa and Red clover and grass-legume mixed hay such as Alfalfa-Bromegrass.Use Harvest, grass hay\" for pure grass hay. Rev 11/17/01 DTL\" MAS 11-29-06Reset the fuel use to 1.92 gal/ac MAS 10-21-11LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkpHarvest operation designed for perennial, muliple harvest crops. 160628 jkp\r\n+\r\nG 02 Biomass Manipulation\r\n+ 1.0\r\nP 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop\r\n+ 0\r\nP 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)\r\n+ 1 0 0 0 0 101.600204 .9 .9 1\r\nP 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate\r\n+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0\r\n+ 0.9 0.92 0.93 0.95 1.0\r\nP 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation\r\nP 24 Flatten Standing Biomass\r\n+ 14 .6 .5 .4 .5 .5\r\n#------------\r\n*END\r\n*EOF\r\n"\\
 "duration": 0,\\
 "length": 0\\
 "rotationCount": 1127,\\
 "operations": ~[~],\\
 "operationCount": 0,\\
 "crops": ~[~],\\
 "cropCount": 0,\\
 "residues": ~[~],\\
 "residueCount": 0,\\
 "barriers": ~[~],\\
 "barriersCount": 0,\\
 "contours": ~[~],\\
 "contoursCount": 0,\\
 "fuels": ~[~],\\
 "fuelsCount": 0,\\
 "strips": ~[~],\\
 "stripsCount": 0,\\
 "permeablebarriers": ~[~],\\
 "permeableBarrierCount": 0,\\
 "hydraulicElementSystems": ~[~],\\
 "hydraulicElementSystemCount": 0\\

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