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CR_LMOD Crops#38971/v2
Tags:  not added yet

CR_LMOD Crops[SERVICE-38971]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: New
Submitted by: LyaegeDec 29 2017 10:07 Modified by: LyaegeDec 29 2017 10:16 Type:
Path: d/crops/1.1 Context: csip-crlmod Version: 1.0
Endpoints: --
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --
Land Management Operations Database (LMOD) service for retrieving the data version of LMOD. This version number updates every time a new piece of data in inserted into LMOD.

Request Response
	"metainfo": {

	"parameter": [{
		"name": "id",
        "description": "Array containing bigInt identifiers for the objects requested.",
		"value": [20022,20048,20108]
		"name": "name",
        "description": "Array containting strings that exactly match a records name, path excluded.",
		"value": []
		"name": "keywords",
        "description": "Space delimited string containing keywords that match some part of a record's name.  Exclusions can be expressed by putting a minus sign before the term e.g. -corn",
		"value": "drill air 12"
		"name": "path",
        "description": "Array containing strings that exactly match a record's path.",
		"value": []
		"name": "partial_path",
        "description": "Array containing keywords that match some part of a record's path",
		"value": ["res", "13", "single"]
		"name": "limit",
        "description": "Maximum number of records to be returned.",
		"value": "15"
		"name": "offset",
        "description": "Number of records to skip before returning the first",
		"value": "3"
		"name": "names_only",
        "description": "True/False to this statement - I only want the names of the returned objects, no metadata or model data.",
		"value": "true"
		"name": "native_formats",
        "description": "True/False to this statement - I want the native model formats in the return json, not just names and metadata.",
		"value": "false"
Files to attach:
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