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GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab)#34331/HEAD / v9
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GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab)[SERVICE-34331]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Accepted
Submitted by: rumpalJun 07 2017 10:57 Modified by: jdriMay 17 2018 13:46 Type:
Path: m/gras/grazsysfab/1.0 Context: csip-gras Version: 1.0
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --

GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab)

Calculate weighted average monthly and daily forage production for each AoA. From each monthly production, divide by the number of days in the month to get daily production.

Calculate forage supplies for each area of analysis (AoA) in the grazing system, accounting for forage partition profiles (FPPs).

Calculate a forage animal balance for a period as one or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.

    "metainfo": {},
    "parameter": [
            "name": "grazing_system_start_date",
            "value": "2015-01-01",
            "description": "Start date of grazing system"
            "name": "grazing_system_end_date",
            "value": "2015-12-31",
            "description": "End date of grazing system"
            "name": "Herd List",
            "description": "List of herds",
            "value": [
                        "name": "herd_id",
                        "description": "Herd identifier",
                        "value": 1
                        "name": "Animal Group List",
                        "description": "List of animal groups in herd",
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                                    "description": "Animal group identifier",
                                    "value": 1
                                    "name": "number_of_head",
                                    "description": "Number of animals in group",
                                    "value": 20
                                    "name": "average_weight_lbs",
                                    "description": "Average weight of individual animal",
                                    "value": 800,
                                    "unit": "lbs"
                                    "name": "avg_daily_intake_pct",
                                    "description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",
                                    "value": 3,
                                    "unit": "%",
                                    "min": 0,
                                    "max": 100
                                    "name": "date_into_herd",
                                    "description": "Date group enters grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-01-01"
                                    "name": "date_out_of_herd",
                                    "description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31"
                        "name": "herd_id",
                        "description": "Herd identifier",
                        "value": 2
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                        "description": "List of animal groups in herd",
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                                    "description": "Animal group identifier",
                                    "value": 1
                                    "name": "number_of_head",
                                    "description": "Number of animals in group",
                                    "value": 2
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                                    "description": "Average weight of individual animal",
                                    "value": 1200,
                                    "unit": "lbs"
                                    "name": "avg_daily_intake_pct",
                                    "description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",
                                    "value": 3.5,
                                    "unit": "%",
                                    "min": 0,
                                    "max": 100
                                    "name": "date_into_herd",
                                    "description": "Date group enters grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-01-01"
                                    "name": "date_out_of_herd",
                                    "description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31"
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            "description": "List of Area of Analysis Identifier",
            "value": [
                        "name": "AoAId",
                        "description": "Area of Analysis Identifier",
                        "value": 3
                        "name": "starting_aoa_forage_prod",
                        "description": "Forage Production at the beginning of first year of the grazing system",
                        "value": 0,
                        "unit": "lbs/acre"
                        "name": "aoa_acres",
                        "description": "Area of Analysis acres",
                        "value": 240,
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                        "description": "List of Forage Inventory Sites in AoA",
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                                    "description": "FIS Identifier",
                                    "value": "1"
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                                    "value": 240,
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                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                                "description": "Adjusted annual forage production of FIS Component",
                                                "value": 1806,
                                                "unit": "lb/acre"
                                                "name": "comp_pct_prod_jan",
                                                "description": "Percentage of FIS component production from January",
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                                                "unit": "%",
                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                                "unit": "%",
                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                                "description": "Percentage of FIS component production from March",
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                                                "unit": "%",
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                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                                "description": "Percentage of FIS component production from May",
                                                "value": 21,
                                                "unit": "%",
                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
                                                "name": "comp_pct_prod_jun",
                                                "description": "Percentage of FIS component production from June",
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                                                "unit": "%",
                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                                "description": "Percentage of FIS component production from July",
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                                                "max": 100
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                                                "min": 0,
                                                "max": 100
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                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity harvest efficiency",
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                                    "name": "calendar_start_day",
                                    "value": "2015-01-01",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
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                                    "value": "2015-07-31",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity end date"
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                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
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                                    "value": "2015-09-30",
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                                    "value": "Always Available",
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                                    "value": 30,
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity harvest efficiency",
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                                    "max": 100,
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                                    "name": "calendar_start_day",
                                    "value": "2015-10-01",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
                                    "name": "calendar_end_day",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity end date"
                        "description": "AoA Forage Partition Profiles"
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                                    "value": 1
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                                                "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
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                                                "name": "graze_end_date",
                                                "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
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                                    "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
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                                    "name": "graze_period_end_date",
                                    "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
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                                                "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
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                                                "name": "graze_end_date",
                                                "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-12-31"
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                                    "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-10-01"
                                    "name": "graze_period_end_date",
                                    "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31"
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        "csip-gras.version": "$version: 0.4.288 ca1bdf1b1bc2 2017-07-13 rumpal, built at 2017-07-13 13:24 by jenkins$",
        "csip.version": "$version: 2.1.208 fc226ce58cc9 2017-07-07 od, built at 2017-07-13 13:24 by jenkins$",
        "tstamp": "2017-07-17 08:59:43",
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    "parameter": [
            "name": "grazing_system_start_date",
            "value": "2015-01-01",
            "description": "Start date of grazing system"
            "name": "grazing_system_end_date",
            "value": "2015-12-31",
            "description": "End date of grazing system"
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                                    "value": 800,
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                                    "value": 3,
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                                    "max": 100
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                                    "description": "Date group enters grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-01-01"
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                                    "description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31"
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                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
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                                    "value": "2015-08-01",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
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                                    "max": 100,
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                                    "name": "calendar_start_day",
                                    "value": "2015-10-01",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"
                                    "name": "calendar_end_day",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31",
                                    "description": "Forage Partition Profile activity end date"
                        "description": "AoA Forage Partition Profiles"
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                                    "value": 1
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                                                "value": 1
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                                                "value": "2015-01-01"
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                                                "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-01-01"
                                                "name": "graze_end_date",
                                                "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-03-31"
                                    "name": "graze_period_start_date",
                                    "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-01-01"
                                    "name": "graze_period_end_date",
                                    "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-08-31"
                                    "name": "graze_period_id",
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                                    "value": 2
                                    "name": "Herd List",
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                                                "value": 1
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                                                "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-10-01"
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                                                "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-12-31"
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                                                "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-10-01"
                                                "name": "graze_end_date",
                                                "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                                "value": "2015-12-31"
                                    "name": "graze_period_start_date",
                                    "description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-10-01"
                                    "name": "graze_period_end_date",
                                    "description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",
                                    "value": "2015-12-31"
    "result": [
            "name": "system_fab",
            "value": 46705.39,
            "description": "Grazing System Forage Animal Balance for all AoAs"
            "name": "Annual FAB List",
            "value": [
                        "name": "grazing_system_year",
                        "value": 2015,
                        "description": "Grazing System Year"
                        "name": "system_annual_fab",
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(the file to convert)
(the converted file)
Comments & Attachments
SCM Commits
History (9)
All (9)

Completed Jun 07 2017 10:57
Submit by rumpal
Accepted Jul 18 2017 17:38
by peacockg
Compare tracker item versions
Submitted Action Version
May 17 2018 13:46
Edit 9
!!!GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfa... or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"... ]
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
&... ]

Show diff
!!!GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfa... or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
|__Request__ |__Response__¶
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"... ]
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
&... ]
Mar 13 2018 14:55
Edit 8
!!!GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab) ...Files to attach: \\
(the file to convert)
| Files to fetch: \\
(the converted file)

Show diff
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab) ...Files to attach: \\
(the file to convert)
| Files to fetch: \\
(the converted file)
Jul 18 2017 17:38
Edit 7
Status Accepted Completed
Jul 18 2017 07:45
Edit 6
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"...: "Number of animals in group",
"value": 20
... "value": 800,
"unit": "lb

Show diff
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"...: "Number of animals in group",
"value": 5
... "value": 800,
"unit": "lb
Jun 15 2017 09:05
Edit 5
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... ]
"name": "FPP List",
"valu... ]
"name": "land_use",¶
"value": 1,¶
"description": "AoA land use identifier"¶

Show diff
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... ]
"name": "land_use",¶
"value": 1,¶
"description": "AoA land use identifier"¶
"name": "FPP List",
"valu... ]
Jun 09 2017 08:06
Edit 4
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... "value": 1,
"description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"
"na...Files to attach: \\
(the file to convert)
| Files to fetch: \\
(the converted file)

Show diff
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... "value": 1,
"description": "Area of Analsys Identifier"
"na...Files to attach: \\
(the file to convert)
| Files to fetch: \\
(the converted file)
Jun 09 2017 07:54
Edit 3
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... one or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
|__Request__ |__Response__¶
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"value": "2015-01-01",¶
"description": "Start date of grazing system"¶
"name": "grazing_system_end_date",¶
"value": "2015-12-31",¶
"description": "End date of grazing system"¶
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"description": "Average weight of individual animal",¶
"value": 800,¶
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"description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",¶
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"name": "date_into_herd",¶
"description": "Date group enters grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-01-01"¶
"name": "date_out_of_herd",¶
"description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",¶
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"description": "Average weight of individual animal",¶
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"description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",¶
"value": 0.03,¶
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"description": "Date group enters grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-01-01"¶
"name": "date_out_of_herd",¶
"description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-07-31"¶
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"description": "Forage Production at the beginning of first year of the grazing system",¶
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"max": 100,¶
"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity harvest efficiency",¶
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"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"¶
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"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"¶
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"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity end date"¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-03-01"¶
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"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-07-31"¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-01"¶
"name": "graze_end_date",¶
"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-31"¶
"name": "graze_period_start_date",¶
"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-01"¶
"name": "graze_period_end_date",¶
"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-31"¶
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"csip-gras.version": "$version: 0.4.256 12bbf0f20b7b 2017-06-06 rumpal, built at 2017-06-06 12:40 by jenkins$",¶
"csip.version": "$version: 2.1.205 fc2f9cc0fa2b 2017-05-24 od, built at 2017-06-06 12:40 by jenkins$",¶
"tstamp": "2017-06-09 07:54:28",¶
"cpu_time": 307,¶
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"value": "2015-01-01",¶
"description": "Start date of grazing system"¶
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"value": "2015-12-31",¶
"description": "End date of grazing system"¶
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"description": "Animal group identifier",¶
"value": 1¶
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"description": "Number of animals in group",¶
"value": 5¶
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"description": "Average weight of individual animal",¶
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"description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",¶
"value": 0.03,¶
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"max": 1¶
"name": "date_into_herd",¶
"description": "Date group enters grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-01-01"¶
"name": "date_out_of_herd",¶
"description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-12-31"¶
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"value": 2¶
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"description": "Number of animals in group",¶
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"description": "Average weight of individual animal",¶
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"description": "Average daily individual intake as percent of body weight",¶
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"name": "date_into_herd",¶
"description": "Date group enters grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-01-01"¶
"name": "date_out_of_herd",¶
"description": "Date group leaves grazing herd",¶
"value": "2015-07-31"¶
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"value": [¶
"name": "AoAId",¶
"description": "Area of Analysis Identifier",¶
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"description": "Forage Production at the beginning of first year of the grazing system",¶
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"description": "Area of Analysis acres",¶
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"max": 100¶
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"value": 25,¶
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"max": 100,¶
"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity harvest efficiency",¶
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"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"¶
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"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity start date"¶
"name": "calendar_end_day",¶
"value": "2015-12-31",¶
"description": "Forage Partition Profile activity end date"¶
"description": "AoA Forage Partition Profiles"¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-03-01"¶
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"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-07-31"¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-03-01"¶
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"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-01"¶
"name": "graze_end_date",¶
"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-31"¶
"name": "graze_period_start_date",¶
"description": "Starting date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-01"¶
"name": "graze_period_end_date",¶
"description": "Ending date of this grazing period.",¶
"value": "2015-10-31"¶
"result": [¶
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"value": 1086887.39,¶
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"description": "Grazing System Year"¶
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"description": "This Day's AoA Animal Demand"¶
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"description": "This Day's AoA Forage Supply"¶
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"description": "This Day's AoA Animal Demand"¶
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"description": "This Day's AoA Animal Demand"¶
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"description": "This Day's AoA Forage Supply"¶
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Show diff
!!!Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_g... one or more herds are assigned to graze available forage on a grazing unit in the grazing system.
Jun 07 2017 10:57
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Service Name
GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab)
Service GRAS-21: Calculate Grazing System, AoA, and Grazing Period Forage Animal Balance (gras_grazsysfab)
Jun 07 2017 10:57
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