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Cligen PRISM Adjustment Service - 1/12/2017#31360/v5
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Cligen PRISM Adjustment Service - 1/12/2017[SERVICE-31360]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: New
Submitted by: odavidMar 20 2017 16:36 Modified by: odavidMar 20 2017 16:44 Type:
Path: m/cli_prism/1.0 Context: csip-climate Version: 1.0
Endpoints: --
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --
This service implements the adjusting a CLIGEN base station monthly precip,tmax,tmin parameters by data from a PRISM 4KM grid cell that is nearest a specified latitude and longitude. The PRISM grids are monthly grids, 36 TIF files total. In addition the annual precip grid is read but not used in the calculations.

The returned data are the values read from the PRISM grids, the base CLIGEN PAR file that is nearest the specified location and an updated PAR file with values changed to reflect the PRISM data.

For locations outside the continental US the PRISM data will be -9999 and the PAR file will the same as the original CLIGEN PAR file.

The request has 4 parameters: climateDataVersion = which cligen database to use 1992 or 2015 latitude - location to use in Geographic coordinates (epsg:4326) longitude - location to use in Geographic coordinates (epsg:4326) usePrism - true or false indicates whether to use PRISM adjustments or just return the nearest PAR file to the location.

The GDAL base system must be installed, the service uses the "gdallocationinfo" program to work with the PRISM TIF files.

Request Response
    "metainfo": { },
    "parameter": [{



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