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RSE-02: Wind and Water Erodibility Potential for an Area of Analysis for csip-soils (wepot)#27420/v9
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RSE-02: Wind and Water Erodibility Potential for an Area of Analysis for csip-soils (wepot)[SERVICE-27420]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Completed
Submitted by: casespOct 25 2016 11:25 Modified by: casespJan 10 2017 08:58 Type:
Path: d/wepot/2.0 Context: csip-soils Version: 1.0
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --
This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analysis (AoA). The service clips SDM soil mapunits with AoA geometry, determines the dominant soil component in the AoA, gets parameters from the SDM component table, including a climate factor from the C Factor layer, and computes the following equations: Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T and Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T

This is the SDM version of the service.

Request Response
  "metainfo": {},
  "parameter": [
      "name": "AoAId",
      "value": 1098765,
      "description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"
      "name": "aoa_geometry",

              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [

  "metainfo": {
    "status": "Finished",
    "suid": "23194bed-d74e-11e6-88ae-0979680bf68d",
    "cloud_node": "",
    "tstamp": "2017-01-10 09:02:07",
    "service_url": "",
    "request_ip": "",
    "csip-soils.version": "$version: 1.1.7 e5dc725b9a97 2017-01-09 Shaun Case, built at 2017-01-09 13:37 by jenkins$",
    "csip.version": "$version: 2.1.143 430ab3fbdc8d 2017-01-05 Shaun Case, built at 2017-01-09 13:37 by jenkins$",
    "cpu_time": 862,
    "expiration_date": "2017-01-10 09:07:08"
  "parameter": [
      "name": "AoAId",
      "value": 1098765,
      "description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"
      "name": "aoa_geometry",
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "result": [
      "name": "AoAId",
      "value": "1098765",
      "description": "Area of analysis identifier"
      "name": "aoa_dom_water_comp",
      "value": "12338532",
      "description": "Dominant water erosion component key value."
      "name": "aoa_dom_water_compname",
      "value": "Sunray",
      "description": "Dominant water erosion component name."
      "name": "aoa_dom_wind_comp",
      "value": "12338535",
      "description": "Dominant wind erosion component key value."
      "name": "aoa_dom_wind_compname",
      "value": "Sunray",
      "description": "Dominant wind erosion component name."
      "name": "aoa_cfactor",
      "value": "113.561",
      "unit": "Percent",
      "description": "Computed cfactor of the centroid for the area of interest shape provided."
      "name": "aoa_water_ep",
      "value": "0.007",
      "description": "Calculated water erosion potential for the area of interest."
      "name": "aoa_wind_ep",
      "value": "19.532",
      "description": "Calculated wind erosion potential for the aera of interest."
      "name": "aoa_wind_ifactor",
      "value": "86.00",
      "unit": "tons/acre/year",
      "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
      "name": "aoa_wind_tfactor",
      "value": "5.00",
      "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
      "name": "aoa_water_lsfactor",
      "value": "0.10",
      "unit": "feet",
      "description": "The calculated distance, using slope_r and lambda, from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where either the slope gradient decreases enough that deposition begins, or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a drainage network or a constructed channel. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agr. Handbook #537, USDA, 1978)."
      "name": "aoa_water_tfactor",
      "value": "5.00",
      "description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"
      "name": "aoa_water_ifactor",
      "value": "86.00",
      "unit": "tons/acre/year",
      "description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"
      "name": "aoa_water_kfactor",
      "value": "0.37",
      "description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"

Comments & Attachments
Associations (1)
SCM Commits
History (9)
All (9)

New Oct 25 2016 11:25
Submit by casesp
In Development Oct 25 2016 11:26
by casesp
Completed Jan 09 2017 13:50
Complete by casesp
Compare tracker item versions
Submitted Action Version
Jan 10 2017 08:58
Edit 9
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys... quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"

Show diff
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys... quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
| Files to attach: \\¶
(the file to convert)¶
| Files to fetch: \\¶
(the converted file)¶
Jan 10 2017 08:57
Edit 8
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"name": &... 36.3898617600563
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid&qu...antifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"

Show diff
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"name": &... 36.3898617600563
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid&qu...antifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
Jan 10 2017 08:56
Edit 7
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"name": &... 36.3898617600563
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid&qu...tifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"

Show diff
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
|__Request__ |__Response__
"metainfo": {},
"parameter": [
"name": &... 36.3898617600563
"metainfo": {
"status": "Finished",
"suid&qu...tifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"
Jan 10 2017 08:55
Edit 6
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...ential = C*I/T and Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
|__Request__ |__Response__¶
"metainfo": {},¶
"parameter": [¶
"name": "AoAId",¶
"value": 1098765,¶
"description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"¶
"name": "aoa_geometry",¶
"type": "Polygon",¶
"coordinates": [¶
"metainfo": {¶
"status": "Finished",¶
"suid": "23194bed-d74e-11e6-88ae-0979680bf68d",¶
"cloud_node": "",¶
"tstamp": "2017-01-10 09:02:07",¶
"service_url": "",¶
"request_ip": "",¶
"csip-soils.version": "$version: 1.1.7 e5dc725b9a97 2017-01-09 Shaun Case, built at 2017-01-09 13:37 by jenkins$",¶
"csip.version": "$version: 2.1.143 430ab3fbdc8d 2017-01-05 Shaun Case, built at 2017-01-09 13:37 by jenkins$",¶
"cpu_time": 862,¶
"expiration_date": "2017-01-10 09:07:08"¶
"parameter": [¶
"name": "AoAId",¶
"value": 1098765,¶
"description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"¶
"name": "aoa_geometry",¶
"type": "Polygon",¶
"coordinates": [¶
"result": [¶
"name": "AoAId",¶
"value": "1098765",¶
"description": "Area of analysis identifier"¶
"name": "aoa_dom_water_comp",¶
"value": "12338532",¶
"description": "Dominant water erosion component key value."¶
"name": "aoa_dom_water_compname",¶
"value": "Sunray",¶
"description": "Dominant water erosion component name."¶
"name": "aoa_dom_wind_comp",¶
"value": "12338535",¶
"description": "Dominant wind erosion component key value."¶
"name": "aoa_dom_wind_compname",¶
"value": "Sunray",¶
"description": "Dominant wind erosion component name."¶
"name": "aoa_cfactor",¶
"value": "113.561",¶
"unit": "Percent",¶
"description": "Computed cfactor of the centroid for the area of interest shape provided."¶
"name": "aoa_water_ep",¶
"value": "0.007",¶
"description": "Calculated water erosion potential for the area of interest."¶
"name": "aoa_wind_ep",¶
"value": "19.532",¶
"description": "Calculated wind erosion potential for the aera of interest."¶
"name": "aoa_wind_ifactor",¶
"value": "86.00",¶
"unit": "tons/acre/year",¶
"description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"¶
"name": "aoa_wind_tfactor",¶
"value": "5.00",¶
"description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"¶
"name": "aoa_water_lsfactor",¶
"value": "0.10",¶
"unit": "feet",¶
"description": "The calculated distance, using slope_r and lambda, from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where either the slope gradient decreases enough that deposition begins, or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a drainage network or a constructed channel. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agr. Handbook #537, USDA, 1978)."¶
"name": "aoa_water_tfactor",¶
"value": "5.00",¶
"description": "Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained"¶
"name": "aoa_water_ifactor",¶
"value": "86.00",¶
"unit": "tons/acre/year",¶
"description": "A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG"¶
"name": "aoa_water_kfactor",¶
"value": "0.37",¶
"description": "An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water"¶

Show diff
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analys...ential = C*I/T and Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T%!
This is the SDM version of the service.
Jan 10 2017 08:52
Edit 5
Path d/wepot/2.0 d/wepot/1.0
Jan 09 2017 13:50
Complete 4
Status Completed In Development
Endpoints [ [
Oct 25 2016 11:30
Edit 3
Service Name
RSE-02: Wind and Water Erodibility Potential for an Area of Analysis for csip-soils (wepot)
WWE-04: wepot service
%%(color:#1e1e1e;)This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for an area of analysis (AoA). The service clips SDM soil mapunits with AoA geometry, determines the dominant soil component in the AoA, gets parameters from the SDM component table, including a climate factor from the C Factor layer, and computes the following equations: Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T and Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T%!¶
This is the SDM version of the service.

Show diff
Oct 25 2016 11:26
Edit 2
Status In Development New
Oct 25 2016 11:25
Submit 1
No changes.