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WQM-02: Add WQM-02 as wqmsoilparams to csip-soils context#27416/HEAD / v4
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WQM-02: Add WQM-02 as wqmsoilparams to csip-soils context[CRQ-27416]

Tracker: Requests Priority: NormalNormal Status: Resolved
Release: Assigned to:
casespOct 25 2016 11:18
Submitted by: casespOct 25 2016 11:18 Modified by: casespJan 12 2017 14:25 Severity:
Service Context:
Add WQM-02 from csip-wqm to csip-soils context. Use SDM database instead of SSURGO, and modify as necessary. Rename the service to wqmsoilparams/2.0

Modify the input shape GeoJSON to be in-line with the standards being used in other new services:

1) Remove the FeatureCollection object. (Not needed, and only one shape is allowed)

2) Require the GeoJSON to be a standard GeoJSON JSONObject. (Do not place the JSONObject into the "value" key as is common to other parameters. This simplifies reading of the geoJSON using GeoTools libraries)

3) Use the new TableColumn Java classes created in csip-soilsdb to handle and maintain all of the result output, and SDM database table data.

4) Derive the internal AoA class from the csip-soilsdb in order to utilize the new soilsdb objects that handle all of the soil filtering logic, and which builds internal data structures for use by the AoA class.

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New Oct 25 2016 11:18
Submit by casesp
Resolved Oct 25 2016 11:18
Resolve by casesp
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Submitted Action Version
Jan 12 2017 14:25
Edit 4
WQM-02: Add WQM-02 as wqmsoilparams to csip-soils context
CSIP-SOILS: Add WQM-02 as wqmsoilparams
Add WQM-02 from csip-wqm to csip-soils context. Use SDM database instead of SSURGO, and modify as necessary. Rename the service to wqmsoilparams/2.0¶
Modify the input shape GeoJSON to be in-line with the standards being used in other new services:¶
1) Remove the FeatureCollection object. (Not needed, and only one shape is allowed)¶
2) Require the GeoJSON to be a standard GeoJSON JSONObject. (Do not place the JSONObject into the "value" key as is common to other parameters. This simplifies reading of the geoJSON using GeoTools libraries)¶
3) Use the new TableColumn Java classes created in csip-soilsdb to handle and maintain all of the result output, and SDM database table data.¶
4) Derive the internal AoA class from the csip-soilsdb in order to utilize the new soilsdb objects that handle all of the soil filtering logic, and which builds internal data structures for use by the AoA class.

Show diff
Add WQM-02 from csip-wqm to csip-soils context.  Use SDM database instead of SSURGO, and modify as necessary.  Rename the service to wqmsoilparams/1.0
Jan 12 2017 13:54
Edit 3
RSET 2.0
Oct 25 2016 11:18
Resolve 2
Status Resolved New
Resolution Implemented --
Oct 25 2016 11:18
Submit 1
No changes.