Description |
This service returns map unit, soil component and following soil component attributes: component pe...elative value, slope percent (low, relative, and high value), and soil texture class and subclass.¶ | ¶ | [{Table¶ | ¶ | |__Request__ |__Response__¶ | ¶ | |(text-align:left;vertical-align:top;)¶ | {{{¶ | {¶ | "metainfo": {},¶ | "parameter": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "AoAID",¶ | "value": 1,¶ | "Description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_site_id",¶ | "value": 2,¶ | "Description": "RHEM Evaluation Site Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_site_geometry",¶ | "type": "Point",¶ | "coordinates": [¶ | -103.873661,¶ | 29.305517¶ | ],¶ | "Description": "RHEM Evaluation Site Geometry"¶ | }¶ | ]¶ | }¶ | }}}¶ | |(text-align:left;vertical-align:top)¶ | {{{¶ | {¶ | "metainfo": {¶ | "status": "Finished",¶ | "suid": "6b8a48ae-8b09-11e6-8591-9f1b394602aa",¶ | "cloud_node": "",¶ | "tstamp": "2016-10-05 08:38:45",¶ | "service_url": "http://localhost:8080/csip-rhem/m/rhem/getrhemsoilcomponent/1.0",¶ | "request_ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",¶ | "csip.version": "$version: 0.0.0 xxxxxxx date, built at 2016-10-05 08:36 by rumpal$",¶ | "cpu_time": 15355,¶ | "expiration_date": "2016-10-05 08:44:01"¶ | },¶ | "parameter": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "AoAID",¶ | "value": 1,¶ | "Description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_site_id",¶ | "value": 2,¶ | "Description": "RHEM Evaluation Site Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_site_geometry",¶ | "type": "Point",¶ | "coordinates": [¶ | -103.873661,¶ | 29.305517¶ | ],¶ | "Description": "RHEM Evaluation Site Geometry"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "result": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "AoAID",¶ | "value": 1,¶ | "description": "Area of Analysis Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_site_id",¶ | "value": 2,¶ | "description": "RHEM Evaluation Site Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "mapunit_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "mapunit",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "musym",¶ | "value": "STE",¶ | "description": "Mapunit Symbol"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "muname",¶ | "value": "Strawhouse-Stillwell complex, 1 to 30 percent slopes",¶ | "description": "Mapunit Name"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "component_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "component",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "cokey",¶ | "value": "11510456",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Key"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "compname",¶ | "value": "Strawhouse",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Name"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "comppct_r",¶ | "value": 50,¶ | "description": "Soil Component Percentage Relative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_l",¶ | "value": 1,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Low Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_r",¶ | "value": 5,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Representative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_h",¶ | "value": 16,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – High Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "es_id",¶ | "value": "R042XG735TX",¶ | "description": "Ecological Site Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "es_range_name",¶ | "value": "Gravelly, Hot Desert Shrub ",¶ | "description": "Ecological Site Name"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site List"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "texcl",¶ | "value": "Sandy loam",¶ | "description": "SSURGO Texture Class"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_id ",¶ | "value": 10,¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_class ",¶ | "value": "sl",¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_class_label ",¶ | "value": "Sandy loam",¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class Label"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class List"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Component"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "component",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "cokey",¶ | "value": "11510455",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Key"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "compname",¶ | "value": "Stillwell",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Name"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "comppct_r",¶ | "value": 35,¶ | "description": "Soil Component Percentage Relative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_l",¶ | "value": 1,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Low Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_r",¶ | "value": 10,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Representative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_h",¶ | "value": 30,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – High Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "es_id",¶ | "value": "R042XG735TX",¶ | "description": "Ecological Site Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "es_range_name",¶ | "value": "Gravelly, Hot Desert Shrub ",¶ | "description": "Ecological Site Name"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site List"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class_list",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "texcl",¶ | "value": "Coarse sandy loam",¶ | "description": "SSURGO Texture Class"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_id ",¶ | "value": 9,¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class Identifier"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_class ",¶ | "value": "sl",¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "rhem_texture_class_label ",¶ | "value": "Sandy loam",¶ | "description": "RHEM Texture Class Label"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class List"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Component"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "component",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "cokey",¶ | "value": "11510454",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Key"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "compname",¶ | "value": "Unnamed",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Name"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "comppct_r",¶ | "value": 10,¶ | "description": "Soil Component Percentage Relative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_l",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Low Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_r",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Representative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_h",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – High Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site_list",¶ | "value": [],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site List"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class_list",¶ | "value": [],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class List"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Component"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "component",¶ | "value": [¶ | {¶ | "name": "cokey",¶ | "value": "11510457",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Key"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "compname",¶ | "value": "Geefour",¶ | "description": "Soil Component Name"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "comppct_r",¶ | "value": 5,¶ | "description": "Soil Component Percentage Relative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_l",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Low Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_r",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – Representative Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "slopepct_h",¶ | "value": 0,¶ | "description": "Slope Percent – High Value"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "ecological_site_list",¶ | "value": [],¶ | "description": "Ecological Site List"¶ | },¶ | {¶ | "name": "surface_texture_class_list",¶ | "value": [],¶ | "description": "Soil Component Surface Texture Class List"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Component"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Component List"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Mapuint"¶ | }¶ | ],¶ | "description": "Mapuint List"¶ | }¶ | ]¶ | }¶ | }}}¶ | ¶ | | Files to attach: \\¶ | (the file to convert)¶ | | Files to fetch: \\¶ | (the converted file)¶ | ¶ | }] | Show diff |
This service returns map unit, soil component and following soil component attributes: component pe...elative value, slope percent (low, relative, and high value), and soil texture class and subclass. | |