OMS (v3.0.25)

Interface ObjectiveFunction

public interface ObjectiveFunction

Objecttive Function. Interface for providing a objective function implementation.

makiko, od

Method Summary
 double calculate(double[] obs, double[] sim, double missingValue)
          Calculates the objective function value based on the given simulated and observed values.
 boolean positiveDirection()
          This method tells you if it is good for the objective function value to be large.

Method Detail


double calculate(double[] obs,
                 double[] sim,
                 double missingValue)
Calculates the objective function value based on the given simulated and observed values. If measuredValue[i] <= missingValue (where 0<=i
obs - the observed values
sim - the simulated values
missingValue - the missing value that indicates a observed or/and simulated value is missing
the objective function value.


boolean positiveDirection()
This method tells you if it is good for the objective function value to be large.

true if a greater objective function value is considered better. false is returned otherwise.

OMS (v3.0.25)

Generated 2010-08-11 08:44:20 MDT, USDA-ARS-ASRU/CSU, 2150 Center Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80526, U.S.A.